HBO Go To Free Itself From Cable!


It is about time!  I love HBO Go, but the fact I need a cable subscription rubs me the wrong way.  It looks like next year that will not be a problem.  I don’t know how much it will cost, but if HBO is breaking from cable here is hoping that other channels start to as well.  I would love just to pay for the channels I want, and I am hoping this is the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

Walking Dead Season 5 Starts With A Bang!


I am so used to slow starts with the Walking Dead that episode one “No Sanctuary” of this season took me totally off guard.  It told a coherent story, it was action packed, filled with tension, and well edited.  This may have been the best episode of the series so far.  Ever since Scott Gimple took over the writing for this show it has been getting much better, and it looks like that is going to continue.

I really want to talk about what happens, but there is no way to do it without giving everything away.  You will just have to watch it, and you will be happy that you did.  This episode sets up this year up for success, and I hope they can keep up this momentum because this episode was great.

The Flash Premiers!


The CW launched their expanded universe Tuesday with The Flash, and I think they are going to be very successful.  The pilot had its flaws, but I think it set up the show for success.  Much like Gotham and Arrow, I think this show will get better as it goes.

The show obviously introduces us to Barry Allen (Grant Gustin), and how he becomes the fastest man alive.  He is hit by lightning due to a particle accelerator malfunction.  I don’t know of a more comic-booky origin than that, and then by the end of the show he is wearing the suit and saving lives.

That is the big problem with this pilot, they rushed through it.  They knew that they had to tell an origin story, but they also knew that people are over origin stories, so they kind of just got it over with.  I think it was the right choice because now they are free to tell whatever Flash story they want without him having to decided to be a hero or not.  He can still struggle with it, but he is already wearing the suit, so it will mostly just be introspection.

Grant Gustin did a good job as Barry Allen.  It is not the Barry Allen from the comic books, but he is a good change of pace from other heroes.  He is a geeky happy mix of Peter Parker and Wally West (The Younger Flash), but that works well.  We don’t need any more brooding.  The rest of that cast I am not sure about yet, but that is mostly because of the quick pace of the episode we didn’t get a chance to see what they can do.

I have high hopes for this show, and it has the potential to be very good.  Now that they got this show out of the way I hope they can start cashing in some of that potential.  I will be tuning in every week to see how they are progressing, and for now I recommend you do too.

The Killing killed The Paladin


Literally… I am dead.

The Mrs. Paladin and I just finished watching the four seasons of The Killing on Netflix and we both agree the first two seasons are worth watching and the latter two less so. The Killing is a Police Drama based off of the Danish show Forbrydelsen and in the first two seasons follow Seattle Police Detectives Sarah Linden and Stephen Holder as they try to solve the murder of Rosie Larsen. Their investigation leads them to question Rosie’s family, her friends, her teachers, and a City Councilman running for Seattle Mayor. Everyone is a suspect.

When I’ve tried to explain the series I’ve found it best to describe it as an hour long Police Procedural like CSI or Castle stretched out to two thirteen episode seasons. You know how the lackey detectives get sent off to question so-and-so or to check on this piece of evidence and then they come back in fifteen minutes with the next clue? In The Killing there are no lackey detectives, so we see Linden and Holder doing this less than exciting police work that would normally be covered by two minutes of exposition. I actually liked that part of it.

Seasons 3 and 4 cover two different cases and fall back more on information falling into the protagonist’s laps. The latter seasons also try to top the first season’s single murder case with more edgy or difficult murders. Missing from these seasons is the more interesting story of the family affected by the murder of their daughter and the impact on the political aspirations of an idealistic mayoral candidate. These stories helped to focus the story as much on the living as it did to highlight the impact of the dead. Seasons 3 and 4 lack this grounding and additional tension, so they fall flat.

The detectives, Linden and Holder, are hot messes themselves. Linden is exceptionally driven, yet tightly wound and barely holding on. Holder is young, angry, and haunted by his past working undercover. The show spends time exploring their many demons and building their uneasy partnership over the course of the series.

The final character (at least for the first two seasons) is the city of Seattle itself. Beautiful aerial shots of the city serve as small vignettes between transitions. It’s fun to see the city from above and see places you’ve been or know about. The show itself was filmed in Vancouver so things like City Hall or Discovery Park don’t look quite right, but its close enough. They do take the luxary of adding things to the local geography or strangely changing names of things like Deception Pass to Desolation Pass (say wha??). Its obvious they picked Seattle because of the rain and not because they’ve ever been there. The rain is torrential in some scenes and as a true Pacific Northwesterner it made me laugh every time. It rained more in the first two seasons than it ever did the rainiest year in Washington; it’s that ridiculous.

Now there was some good stuff too, otherwise why watch it right? Season 1 and 2, as I’ve said were good and the individual performances from Mireille Enos (Linden) and Joel Kinnaman (Holder) are quite good. Additionally a supporting cast including Michelle Forbes (Ensign Ro Laren), Brent Sexton (Generally cool dude), and Billy Campbell (The Rocketeer) is not to be missed. Seasons 3 and 4 have less good, but there are some interesting twists and fine acting from Peter Sarsgaard (Brainiac?) and Elias Koteas (CASEY MOTHERLOVING JONES).

Ultimately the show fizzled out and the wife and I were simply reluctantly watching to get it over with; although my wife was rewarded in the end while I was left a little dead inside.

Fate/Zero Could Have Been Fun!


Fate/Zero is a Japanese anime made by Ufotable and based off the light novel (short manga series) of the same name, and I think if I was a little younger I would have liked it more then I did now.  It can be fun, but it gets caught up in its own mire to let that fun shine through in many of its episodes.

The plot follows seven mages as they battle for the Holy Grail, and to help them they get to summon heroes from the past to fight for and defend them.  The Grail is not the normal Grail that we think of but an object made by mages to grant any wish, but since the mages couldn’t decide who got the wish their future families get to fight for it every so often.  This battle takes place during the fourth Grail War.

Now the part of the series that really works are the heroes and mages battling each other.  I mean who doesn’t want to see King Author duke it out with Alexander the Great, or see mages cast magic spells all over the place, but the problem is they cut away from the fun to show all the suffering these mages and “heroes” are causing.  It is like they couldn’t handle just having a fun show about history’s (well historical fiction’s anyway) greatest warriors going at it, so they added in some brutal human suffering to spice things up a bit.  It is such a shame because when this show is showing cool battles and hanging out with heroes it is great.  It is a waste of the premise.

If you are an anime fan you may like this show.  For people that are new to genre this is probably not a great place to start.  I wanted to like this show, and when I was younger and more in to anime I may have given it more of the benefit of the doubt, but being older and having less patience I can’t help but see this show as a waste of potential.