Well We Finally Know Supergirl’s Identity!


Melissa Benoist will get to bring life to Supergirl on the small screen according to TheWrap.com, and then confirmed by Benoist’s Twitter account.  She has done a lot of things, but she is mostly known for her role as Marley Rose on seasons four and five of Glee.  She is also in the award winning movie Whiplash, so an up and comer for sure.  If you are worried that she has the wrong hair color, worry no more:


She has taken care of it.  I can’t wait for this show to start!  If they don’t pick up Constantine for season two I will need something to watch (I am totally going to watch it anyway).  I wish her the best of luck.  They took a long time to find her, so I am sure she will be great in the role!

New Supergirl Info!


Well some audition tapes for the new CBS show Supergirl have leaked, and while they have already been taken down, they do give us some interesting tidbits about the show.  You can read the full dialog over at SpoilerTV, but I thought I would just give you some of my takeaways.

1: Superman will exist in this show.  Whether they are casting a new one or are going to use the current movie Man of Steel and just use pictures we don’t know, but the dialog talks about him a lot.

2: It looks like Jimmy Olsen is going to be regular.  If Superman is around somewhere, why not his best friend Jimmy.

3: Supergirl will remember more about Krypton than Supes.  It looks like she left the planet when she was twelve not an infant, and it appears that she is quite attached to her old life.

4: Just like the Man of Steel movie it doesn’t look like Kara’s family is to happy about her new side job.  They are worried about her, and what people will do once they find out what she is.  Though with Superman around it kind of seems like an odd worry to me.

Sadly we still don’t know who will be playing Supergirl, but I am sure we will soon if they are in the middle of casting.  I keep meaning to do a casting for this show, but it always kind makes me feel a little like a perv looking for young talented actresses on the internet.  The internet version of talent is different than what you would think.

Here is hoping this show turns out.  Though I think they could have saved themselves a lot of trouble by just making a Powergirl show.  Oh well.  We will see what CBS comes up with next year.

A Trip To The Future With Parks And Recreation Season 7!


Well Parks and Recreation is back for its seventh and final season, and it is shaping up to be a fun one.  They have moved the show’s time period up to 2017, and we are getting to see the cast deal with their success.  It turns out after getting what you want it is hard to keep it.

Leslie is having a hard time convincing people to put in a national park instead of a tech giant’s headquarters; Tom finds out that money doesn’t buy him the happiness that he wanted; Ben is unsure of himself as the new city manager, and April is starting to wonder if she has chosen the right path in life.

I think moving the show forward was a great idea for a final season because we will get to see how these characters have changed, and how they deal with their new circumstances.  The first two episodes were funny, so at least they are starting off in a good direction.  I am wondering how tightly they are going to wrap this up, or if they are going to leave a few threads dangling just in case.

I am glad that Parks and Rec is back on the air.  It is sad that this is its final season, but at least it is going out on top and not slowly disintegrating in to nothing.  If they can keep up the quality of the first two episodes we are in for a great final sendoff.

Random DC Comics News!


A couple quick DC Comics things to talk about today.  The boys and gals over at Ain’t It Cool News were reporting that the Batman V Superman flick would be split up in to two movies.  One would have opened on Batman V Superman’s original date of October 23rd 2015 called Enter The Knight, and the second one would have come out on the new date of March 26th 2016 with the title Dawn of Justice.

Superman himself Henry Cavill shot this rumor down over at Variety, but still it is an interesting idea.  My problem with this movie is that they are trying to do to much with one film, kind of the opposite problem the Hobbit movies had.  With two movies it would have given the stories more of a chance to breath instead of just being thrown together.  Plus October is a month that they could have had pretty much to themselves.  Still, there was too much going against this story for it to be true because with movies this big there are a lot of moving parts with distribution, advertising and toy sales, so to all of the sudden announce a new movie for October would be crazy.  You move a movie back, not five months forward.

Next up a little TV news.  According to Entertainment Weekly the CW is thinking of adding another comic book show to its lineup, and the hero that makes the most sense is Brandon Routh’s Atom.  Sure they could pick someone else, but Routh is a great actor with real screen presence, so it is hard to imagine some other hero getting the nod.  They could be still trying to startup Hourman, but since I haven’t heard anything about him recently, I am guessing he will not be showing up anytime soon.  The other hero they might try is Firestorm recently seen on The Flash, but I don’t think they have invested enough time in him to get audiences to care about him.  Yet.

Lastly according to IGN, it looks like Supergirl has a shot of being seen on The Flash or Arrow, or conversely them showing up on her show.  Greg Berlanti seems to think it is possible, but he wants to do what is right for Supergirl first.  Still at least there is a possibility.  If the crossover does happen I can’t wait to see what Earth ending apocalypse the joint forces of Arrow, The Flash, The Atom, Firestorm and Supergirl would have to face.

Downton Abbey Is Back For Season 5!


Downton Abbey is back, and you know that means!  More high society scandal and fabulous fashion.  I mean every show starts and ends with a Ralph Lauren commercial for crying out load.  That is not a bad thing, Ralph is great, but it is fun to watch a show that is not really in my demographic.

This show’s stories pick up most of the threads that were left open last season.  Is Mr. Bates now a killer?  Will Mary get married again? What to do about Edith’s child, and will the Abbey survive the changing political and economic climate of the 1920s?  We do not know the answers to any of those questions, but we are at least moving forward with finding out.  Which is nice because my main complaint with last season is that they didn’t resolve anything, so there is hope that they will at least give us something this season.

They seem to have brought back humor and politics.  They were there in season 4, but they were on the back burner.  It looks like they are doing there best to put them back in the forefront.  We get to see hair dyeing techniques that would make Ron Popeil happy, and the rise of the Labour Party.  This should give Tom at least some of his character back instead of being Lord Grantham’s second favorite pet.

It looks like this show has found some of the footing it lost at the end of last year, so I am quite excited to see the goings on of Downton Abbey!