What Other Heroes Should Join The New Justice Society Show?


So you may or may not have heard the news by now, but the CW is making another superhero show, and it is going to be lead by Brandon Routh’s Atom.  The crazy part is that he will not be coming alone.  It looks like he with by joined by Caity Lotz’s undead Canary, Wentworth Miller’s Captain Cold, and Victor Garber’s half of Firestorm.  The even crazier news is that they are going to add three more previously unseen heroes to the mix.  A team of lesser known heroes fighting crime headed by The Atom?  Sounds like the Justice Society to me.  I thought I would help them out by giving my idea for the last three heroes.



Stargirl in the comics leads the JSA for awhile, so it would be good to introduce her here.  She has a pretty major fan following, and she kicks major butt.  As a matter of fact this could be a good role for Caity Lotz if they decide not to use her as the Canary.



If they are not going to use her for the new Suicide Squad movie, why not use her for this.  She is powerful, but her powers, channeling the abilities of animals, would be easy to show on screen, and she is a great way to introduce magic in to the DC Television Universe.



Hourman is a pretty crazy character.  When he drinks a serum he is super powerful for one hour.  In some instances he can even control time in that hour.  The problem is that the serum is addictive, so the more he uses it the more he risks becoming an out of control addict.  The CW was already working on an Hourman show, so why not put all that work to good use.

Those are my three choices for the new JSA show.  Who would you add?

Thank You Mr. Spock!


I am not sure I know what to say.  Leonard Nimoy is dead at 83.  It is hard to focus after typing that sentence.  Leonard Nimoy meant a lot to my life.  Which is strange since I have never met him, but Star Trek helped me as a young man to dream, and to think of things beyond myself.  Those are things I hope to carry with me for the rest of my life.  He was more than Mr. Spock of course, but that is how I knew him.

Kirk may have been the driving force of Star Trek, but Spock was the heart.  He was the inquisitive nature looking for new things to discover and to understand.  Star Trek would have been vastly different without him, and not in a good way.  It would have been Kirk punching and sexing stuff, which may have been fun, but Spock made it fascinating, and his memory will Live Long and Prosper in our minds.  You are, and always shall be my hero.

I love you Leonard Nimoy and God Speed.


Parks And Recreation Is Donezo!


Well after seven seasons Parks and Recreation has come to an end, and I will miss it.  I am not sure what sitcom is going to fill its void, and it was especially hard since this was only a twelve episode season that they doubled up every night, so it was over in the blink of an eye.  Still it was nice for Parks and Rec to go out on top, and I liked that they went even further in to the future so we could see how these characters we have come to know and love ended up.

I am not going to spoil anything, but the last episode wasn’t great from a comedy standpoint, but it was a very good way to put a bow on everything and send it off to syndication where I am sure it will live a long and happy life.  Seven seasons is pretty good in this day and age, and there wasn’t a bad one in the bunch.  Since the cast is so talented there is no need to wish them luck because I am sure they will land on their feet, and most of them already have.

Geek Canon Isn’t Sacred!


For some reason geeks love to trash movies and TV shows that aren’t working for breaking canon.  Like somehow because a character’s origin is different, or they look or act slightly different than the paper version of themselves, that is why the property isn’t connecting with audiences.  It is a load of crap.  If something isn’t good, it isn’t because they didn’t consult the sacred texts.  If it is bad, it is bad due to normal problems like bad writing or poor acting/direction.  It is not just comic books.  Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Anime guys and gals love to rant about it too.

Marvel is doing great, and they aren’t following the canon at all.  The characters’ backgrounds and all sorts of things are totally different than they are in the comic books, and that is fine.  You will notice that the fans are saying DC should be more like Marvel, and follow the comic books more with their movies, but I am scratching my head and trying to figure out which comic books Marvel is following.  Sure they are using the books for inspiration, but the movies are completely different.  I am sure that when the Civil War movie comes out it will look nothing like its comic book counter part.

What matters first and foremost is that product is good.  If it changes things, who cares, as long as talented people created something fun with respect for what they are working with.  Sure it is nice if the people making the films and media don’t treat the canon like a dirty rag, but they surely don’t always have to worry about breaking it.  Lets not worry so much about the past, and maybe we should be hopeful about a very geeky future!

Constantine Is Done, Or Is It?


Well NBC announced their renewals and Constantine wasn’t on the list, and I am guessing that is it for the show, but new rumors say that might not be the case.  According to Comicbook.com NBC execs were very happy with how the show did on SyFy during a marathon, and they may move the show over there.  Not only that, to get the old school comic book fans on board they are thinking of changing the name of the show to the title of the comics: Hellblazer.  This move off of a major network and on to cable would allow the show to get a darker, and feature more of what Constantine is known for.

Obviously this is just a rumor, and I fully expect Constantine to be canceled, but the DVR and On Demand numbers were so good for this show that it would make some sense to keep it alive.  I kind of wish that it would move to The CW, so Constantine could hang out with the rest of his DC friends.  TV Justice League for the win!  I am sure we will hear of Constantine’s final fate shortly, and regardless of how this all turns out.  It has been fun having him on TV if only for a little while.