The Muppets Need To Find The Love!


I went in to The Muppets with low expectations.  While the previous two movies were good and fine respectively, the new TV show’s adds looked a bit off.  Like they were trying to conform the Muppets to sitcom norms of today, and sadly that is what it appears they have done.  Now I should say right of the bat that The Muppets is actually funny, the problem is that the Muppets are now something they have never been before, mean.

The Muppet gang is now hosting a new show “Up Late with Miss Piggy”.  The wide range of felt cast members are now stage hands, writers, or bit performers.  Kermit is of course the executive producer trying to keep the show running with his rag-tag crew and demanding star.

I have no problems with the setup.  The vaudevillian verity shows of yesteryear have all given way to late shows, so it would make sense that the Muppets would follow suit.  I am also okay with the slightly edgier jokes.  If you have fond memories of The Muppets being a harmless kids show you should re-watch the older series.  My problem, as the title to this post would indicated, the Muppets have lost their love for one another.

The obvious place to start with this lack of love is the breaking-up of Piggy and Kermit.  Kermit is our lens for the show, so if he can no longer handle Piggy’s antics it makes her come off as meaner and crazier, and not just a demanding free spirt, or a lovable diva.  Also the jokes Kermit takes at people’s expense no longer feel like gentle ribbing, but more like he is slinging daggers.  The rest of the cast similarly take mean jabs at one another.  Another problem, though not as big, is that The Muppets really wants to show us the mundane lives of these puppets, and while Muppet media has always been connected to reality, their zany antics usually popped more because of that juxtaposition.  Now that the Muppets are taking part in the everyday they feel a little dull.

Like I said before The Muppets is actually funny, so the writers deserve some kudos for that.  The problem is that these Muppets seem sad and mean, and not the freewheeling crazy gang we have all come to know and love.  Now I have said it before on this blog, and I am sure I will say it again: Pilots are usually terrible, so I will give The Muppets a few more chances before I write it off, and who knows maybe the Muppets finding their kindness is what this season is all about.  I hope so.

It Looks Like Supergirl Is Served With Extra Cheese!

I am still not sure how the Supergirl show is going work.  I mean Superman exists, but we will not get to see him or call him Superman?  They should have totally gone the Power Girl route.  This setup is going to get kind of awkward.  Though I will say that even though the special effects look like they could use a little work it is nice that they are not holding back on letting her use her powers.  I am hoping for some campy fun this October!  It will probably be the only show I watch on CBS!

The Paladin is laconic with Longmire


Mrs. The Paladin and myself settled in over the weekend to watch the Netflix resurrected 4th season of Longmire. As fans from the show when it was an A&E show it was a joy to see the same quality, locations, and actors as before. The life of the Sheriff of Absaroka County in Wyoming is a hectic one and Robert Taylor is excellent as the title character. The supporting cast of Katee Sackoff, Lou Diamond Phillips, A Martinez, and Adam Bartley breath life in a diverse cast of character that have grown from scene one to interesting and dynamic personas. Like any great show, its the characters that bring you back for more. Of course for Longmire the best character of all is Wyoming. Few shows have made me want to travel to a place and just soak it all in. The vistas are epic and each “set” is sweeping.

Season 4 completes an arc that has been looming since the beginning of the series and begins a new arc that leaves the last episode on a cliffhanger. Hopefully Netflix OKs Season 5 because my wife needs to know what happens next. We both felt the later half setting up that arc weren’t as strong, but the last episode was satisfying enough to leave us both with a better impression of the series than if it had ended on Episode 9.

If you haven’t watched Longmire yet give it a try. Its all on Netflix for you to binge or nibble at your leisure.

AMC Is Getting Ready To Launch Preacher!

So executive producer Seth Rogen released the first poster for his new comic book based show Preacher.  I have to admit when I first heard about this project I was excited about it.  I fondly remember reading some of the comics at a friend’s house.  Now thanks to the Hoopla app I was able to read the first two collections of the books, and I have to say Preacher does not hold up.  It is very 90’s, but not in a retro way, in a going all out trying offend you kind of way.  Which it then makes sense why I liked it when I was younger, but not so much now.  Oh to be thirteen again!

I will probably still give this show a shot when it debut’s next summer, but my excitement level has dropped.  Who knows, since they will have to tone down the comics quite a bit (as in I am not sure if they can use much of the source material) to get it on TV, Preacher may be better for it.  If nothing else the look of the comic is good, so if they copy the art style we may at least be in for a visual treat if nothing else.