Best Marvel Trailers From San Diego Comic Con!

Marvel had a big Comic Con this year, but they didn’t really release a lot of footage.  Regardless, these were my favorite two trailers of what they did release:

With Doctor Strange coming out in November it is about time that we got a full on movie trailer, and that is just what Marvel gave us.  It gives us a good idea of what we should expect from this film while introducing the heroes and the villains.  It looks like a pretty fun flick.

Netflix’s trailer reintroduced Luke Cage in the best possible way with him just completely owning a street gang.  Netflix’s Marvel shows have been kind of grim, so it would be nice if Luke Cage could keep the lighter tone from the trailer while still existing in the grounded and gritty Marvel version of Hell’s Kitchen.

Those were my favorite trailers from Marvel, what did you guys like?

This Futurama Fan Film Looks Fantastic!

I love that the people at Cinema Relics decided to go completely live action with this Futurama Fan Film.  It looks like the movies they used to make in the late 80’s and early 90’s.  I hope that Fox lets them complete the longer version because I can’t wait to see it!

Shmee Witnesses Some Stranger Things!


Do you miss the kids adventure films and slow burn horror flicks from the 80’s?  If you do, Stranger Things the new series on Netflix will be right up your alley.  Much like the movie Super 8, Stranger Things is an ode to the Spielbergian films of our past, but don’t get the impression that Stranger Things is just a nostalgia trip.  It would be good even if it didn’t play to the audience’s film history.

I would usually give a plot synopsis, but this is the kind of show where I don’ want to give anything away, but let’s just say there are a lot of kids on bikes and strange G-Men.  Which you would expect from a show like this.  It is also sad, scary, and darkly funny, so be prepared to cry, scream and laugh.

The cast is wonderful.  It is really great to see Winona Ryder in something substantive again.  It is a shame we haven’t seen more of her recently.  Maybe after this casting directors will remember why they loved her so much just a few years back.  The kids of the show all pull the own weight especially Millie Bobby Brown as Eleven.

Pretty much what I am saying is that you should watch Stranger Things which is ready to stream right now on Netflix.  The only real bad thing I can say about it is that the first season is only eight episodes long, so you will probably blow through it in a couple of nights, and then you will have to go through Stranger Things withdrawal.

Orphan Black Season 4, The Beginning Of The End!


It is all coming together for the clones.  There is almost nothing left to figure out, and they know all the key players, so it makes sense that next season would be its last.  Early on in season four of Orphan Black you could tell that things were changing.  Instead of introducing new mysteries, they were answering and coming back to old ones, and any new questions they had or uncovered were quickly answered.  The series is in wrap-up mode, so now there is only one thing left to do: bring it all down.

Now that they know everything, they can formulate a plan to free themselves from the corporation(s) that seek to control them.  It leaves me to wonder if next season is going to be full tilt action until the end, or are they going to throw one more monkey wrench for Tatiana Maslany’s wonderful crew of characters to figure out?  We only have ten month until we find out.  It will be a very long wait indeed.