Meet Chappie, Short Circuit With Guns!

Neil Blomkamp the director of District 9 has another near future film for us.  This time it is about a self aware robot that hangs out with a bunch of street punks.  Once the evil Hugh Jackman learns about him, he wants to take it out!  It looks like a fun movie, but just about everyone is thinking this is an action-y take on Short Circuit, but you know what?  I am okay with that.

The Avengers Age Of Ultron Trailer Is Out!

The is a great trailer, and it sets up the movie perfectly!  The Hulk vs. Iron Man looks like it will be a lot of fun, and it will be good to get a couple new Avengers in to the mix.  It is odd that they are showing so much of the movie so soon, and since everyone is going to go see it anyway, but this is still the first truly must watch trailer of the year.

Shmee Gets The Perfect Cast For All Female Ghostbusters!


Well the all female Ghostbusters is happening, and I can’t wait!  I am a little disappointed that it is a reboot and not a sequel.  I think it would have been fun to have Dan Aykroyd as the owner of a franchise or something and helping this new team along, but still this should be a good flick.  That being said they are going to need a world class group of actors to make this movie happen, and I think I got a good one:

Team Leader: Aisha Tyler


She is funny and as cool as they come.  She would get this rag-tag group bustin’ ghosts in no time!  If she is not in this movie I say we all riot!

Cool Jerk: Kristen Wiig


She is talented enough to do any of the roles, but she would be that perfect jerk you just can’t help but love.  Honestly they could just make the movie with her and Aisha Tyler and it would be awesome.

Dorky Doctor: Anna Faris


She is super funny, and I could totally see her believably spouting off all sorts of mumbo jumbo.  Her husband just made it big as Star Lord, and I think it is time for her in the spotlight.

The Brains: Aubrey Plaza


She has shown that she can keep a straight face while crazy things are happening all around her on Parks and Recreation, and I think that talent would crossover well here.  Get her some thick glasses and you are good to go.

Odd Next Door Neighbor: Felicia Day


She could be the perfect weirdo next door, and she would be one heck of a “Keymaster”.  It might be time for Felicia Day to prove she is ready for the big leagues.

That is my cast, and I am sure they would knock this movie out of the park.  I have done all the hard work for you Mr. Feig, so make it happen.

Get Tense With Gone Girl!


Gone Girl is David Fincher’s take on Gillian Flynn‘s novel of the same name.  Much like a lot of Fincher’s other work it is a slow burning thriller, and he was the perfect man to direct this movie for Fox.  The film works well in just about every way, and Fall has its first must see movie of the season (if you are not squeamish and over 18 that is).

I don’t really want to go over the plot because the less you know going in to this movie the better, but I will give you the one line setup:  Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck) returns home on his anniversary to find that his wife (Rosamund Pike) has gone missing under mysterious circumstances.  There, that is all you get, but it is enough.  According to my wife, Flynn’s script stays faithful to her book, so if you have read the novel the story will not surprise you as much as it will if you are coming in to this movie blind, but even then this movie was so well done you should still watch it anyway.

If you have ever seen any of Fincher’s other work then you will figure out that this is one of his movies instantly.  The pacing is in never in a hurry, but at the same time it never lingers on something too long.  The film looks like it was left in a vat of blue ink, so the movie never seems to get quite bright enough, and Fincher has no problems showing every gory detail when the film demands it.  So pretty much this script was made for him, and he executes it well.

I don’t talk about music in films a lot, but I think Trent Reznor deservers a shout out here.  All the music in this movie adds to every scene so well that you almost don’t hear it.  The pulsing and throbbing tones work their way in to every frame, and they just sound like they should be there.  I don’t think this is a soundtrack that I would like to own by itself, but it makes the movie better, and that is what the music should do.

Ben Affleck proves once again that he is better actor than a lot of people give him credit for.  He is able to be unlikeable yet sympathetic throughout this entire film, and it may be his best work to date.  Likewise Rosamund Pike has been acting for awhile, but this is her breakout role.  She is wonderful in this film.  The other actor who did an amazing job was Tyler Perry.  I shouldn’t be surprised, he is usually good when he takes his job seriously, but he spends so much time doing Madea films that I forget how good he can be.

The only qualm I would have about recommending this movie is that it is “R”, and it earns that rating, so if you can’t take high levels of stress, or are squeamish than this film might not be for you.  For everyone else this is a great movie, and David Fincher should now be the go to director for thrillers because he once again does an amazing job.  I can’t wait to see what he does next.

The Tale Of Princess Kaguya Looks Amazing!

I know this trailer has been out for awhile, but I have procrastinated watching it, and I really shouldn’t have because Studio Ghibli’s new movie looks like a masterpiece.  The Tale of The Princess Kaguya is about a girl that grows extremely fast, but what will draw you in is the amazing art.  This movie is looking like a must see, and it shows that Studio Ghibli will be fine without Hayao Miyazaki.