Mad Max Looks Insane!

I was a little late with this trailer, but it is my site so things get posted when I say so!  Or unless The Paladin gives me that dispointed look.  Anyway … I thought the next big trailer would be Ant-Man.  It wasn’t.  It was Mad Max: Fury Road, and it looks amazing.  I was worried the series would suffer being separated from the 80’s (well the first one came out in ’79, but close enough), but it looks like it made the translation to the 20-teens quite well.  This movie is running up my most anticpated films of 2015 list.

Terminator Genisys Looks Good … ?!

I was fully prepared to hate this movie without watching it, but I have to admit that they made a fine trailer.  Ugg.  Well I hope the movie delivers (I still don’t think it will).  I wonder what major trailers for next year will pop-up next?  Ant-Man I would guess, but we will see shortly.

We Now Know The Cast Of The Suicide Squad And More!


Well after months of speculation we now know the cast of the Suicide Squad!  It is as follows:


The Joker: Jared Leto


Harley Quinn: Margot Robbie


Lex Luthor: Jesse Eisenberg



Deadshot: Will Smith


Rick Flagg: Tom Hardy


Captain Boomerang: Jai Courtney


Enchantress: Cara Delevingne


This is a pretty great lineup (even though I was way off with my list)!  But what I like most about this cast is that it includes Enchantress.  That means the DC Movie Universe is going to introduce magic right away.  They are not waiting around like Marvel has been.  We still don’t know who will be the group’s morally gray leader Amanda Waller, but I am sure we will shortly considering this movie starts shooting soon.  David Ayer who is known for his critically acclaimed crime movies is writing and directing.  He will be a good fit for this group of rouges forced to be good.

Along the same lines the rumor is that CBS has found its Supergirl! Claire Holt from Vampire Diaries and its spinoff The Originals.  This would make a lot of sense since Warner Brothers likes to use people they have worked with before.  I have not seen the shows she has been in, so I can’t speek to her talent, but she does have the look.


Lastly it looks like the Sandman movie is about to get rolling.  They have a script everyone likes, Neil Gaiman is very involved, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt has agreed to be the titular character.  If Neil Gaiman on board so am I!

Joseph-Gordon-LevittI have been giving you a lot of DC news lately, and once Marvel does something interesting I swear that I will let you know, but for now DC is making a lot of excting moves!

The Mockingjay Part 1 Needs Part 2!


The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 is a first half looking for a second half.  There is a lot of setup and tension building, but no conclusion or release.  It is sadly as the title says “Part 1”.  The Hunger Games movies have always been one continuing story, but the pervious two at least had some form of an ending.  This movie does not.  It is still a fine movie, and a must watch for fans of the films and the books, but when Catching Fire was so good, this was a little bit of a letdown.

The story picks up directly after the events of Catching Fire, and Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) is having a hard time coping with previous events.  She is also very upset they did not save Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcherson) like they had promised, and now he is in the hands of The Capitol being used as a propaganda tool.  Katniss agrees to be a propaganda tool herself as the Mockingjay (Hey it is the title of the movie!) to fight back and lead the rebellion.

While I am not happy they split up the last book in to two movies, I have to admit that they are continuing to adapt the book very well for the big screen.  They are adding scenes that fill in the blank spots, and the dialog is spot on.  I have never missed all the internal monolog that the books have because of they way they have set up the scenes and framed the characters’ reactions.

The other big reason that characters’ reactions and emotions pay off so well is that the cast continues to be superb.  Jennifer Lawrence has become one of the best actors of her generation, and she deserves all her accolades.  Josh Hutcherson similarly has come on very strong.  His scenes as the propaganda spewing puppet, all the while seeing the pain behind his eyes, were quite gripping.  He has come in to his own.  If there was one person that was a little flat, it was Liam Hemsworth as Gale.  I am not sure if they didn’t give him enough to work with or what, but for the most part his character was very dull.

Francis Lawrence continues his fine work as director, and he films what little action there is nicely.  He gets all the actors to do what they need to do.  The only complaint I have is that he should have cut down the running time by about thirty minutes, but these days people expect two hour movies, so maybe he felt obligated to pad the time a little.

This movie could have been great if it was complete.  The script, the actors, and the director were all in place, but instead Lionsgate thought with its pocketbook and tried to get one more movie out of this franchise.  With all of this buildup, I hope they knock it out of the park with Part 2 because that is what this franchise and the people who paid to see half a movie deserve.

Jurassic World Verus Pan!

Two major trailers came out yesterday, Universal’s Jurassic World and Warner Brothers’ Pan.  While they may not have a lot in common, both studios hope that these will build to future franchises, and they are both trying to use existing material lure you in.  Let’s start with Jurassic World shall we!

I have been skeptical of this movie since it was announced, but this trailer did a good job of getting me interested.  I love the idea of exploring a working Jurassic theme park, also Star Lord, but I am less keen on having a giant velociraptor be the main threat.  With that many people in the park it doesn’t seem like a super-smart predator is necessary.  But like I said, I am interested in this film now, so job well done.

Let’s see what Warner Brothers brought us with Pan shall we?

Again I am more interested in this movie now than I was before, but I still have a lot of reservations.  I am not sure that Peter Pan and Hook need an origin story, and this movie has the same problem that all prequels do, we already know where this movie ends up: One’s experiences make him a hero, the other a villain (I will let you figure out which is which).  Oz The Great and Powerful suffered for the same reason.  Though the special effects look amazing, so it may be worth the price of admission just to see cool stuff.

Two big movies banking on you wanting to see more based on well known material.  Do you?  I am still struggling to figure out if I do, but it is hard for my inner thirteen year old self to turn down dinosaurs on the big screen.