Well The Latino Review has some interesting news, the Hutts will be back in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I love those slimy space slugs as much as the next nerd, but this movie is starting to feel a lot like a retread of things we have seen before. It is nice to hear they will be practically built and animated, but I just hope they are used in a creative way, and not just hassling the Solos.
New Avengers: Age Of Ultron Trailer!
The new trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron is out, and while it is not as perfect as the teaser that they released it does give us a better look at the Hulk versus Iron Man fight. It also lets us know that this is all really Tony Stark’s fault. Not that anybody was doubting that, but still. I am ready for this movie. May cannot get here fast enough!
Ant-Man Trailer Is A Go!
I thought this trailer was going to come sooner, but here it is. I will have to say that the first part of this trailer scared me a bit because it was so serious, but then the ending sets the tone I am looking for. Funny. Ant-Man is supposed to be funny. Which is why I was so excited about Edgar Wright doing it, but I do understand that Disney wants this to be Marvel’s Ant-Man not Edgar Wright’s Ant-Man. Though that is what The Paladin wanted, and I can’t say I blame him. Maybe someday Disney will let people do different takes on its heroes, but probably not any time soon.
We Know When The Gambit Movie Opens!
Well my favorite member of the X-Men is finally getting his big screen debut (I am not counting X-Men Origins: Wolverine), and we now know the date: October 7th, 2016! Channing Tatum revealed this on his Twitter account and it was later confirmed by Fox, so it looks like we will be getting two standalone X-Man movies in 2016 (Deadpool is the other), and I can cross a superhero without a movie off my list. If for some reason you forgot what Channing Tatum looks like here is his mug:
I can believe how many comic book movies are coming out in 2016. I wonder if that will be the year the bubble pops on the comic book superhero movie, and we have to go back to standard boring action movies? I hope not.
Scarlett Johansson Will Star In A Ghost In The Shell Movie!
Well here is by far the biggest rumor/news item for geek movie news thus far in 2015: Scarlett Johansson is going to play the lead in an American made Ghost in the Shell movie for DreamWorks studios!
That is crazy. I am not sure that an American movie studio is going to be able to do the anime justice. I mean you have no idea how hard it was just finding a PG enough picture for the header for this article. Still, Scarlett Johansson has proven that she knows how to lead an action movie, so if they are going to give this movie a shot she is the perfect fit. Especially since Marvel still hasn’t given Black Widow her own movie yet.