The World Hates You So We Are Getting A New ‘It’!


Hey you know that movie that made everyone hate clowns? In fact it still makes you feel a bit ‘off’ just to look the picture of the ‘fun guy’ above.  Well guess what? After years of debate it looks like the reboot of ‘It’ is moving forward.  That’s right, so just when kids were starting to feel alright about clowns again they went and cast Bill Skarsgård as the new creepy makeuped menace.  Here is a pic of the fella:


Yeah just imagine that mug with wild red hair and fangs whispering, “you’re next”.  That is just good old family fun right there.  I think you should let your kids watch it early and often.  I know I watched it behind my parents back a few times and I am completely normal.  Right? Anyway, I am sure ‘It’ will all be super terrifying until you learn that Pennywise the clown is just a spider in the sewers that can be killed with a slingshot.  Oh I am sorry, did I spoil a movie and a book from forever ago?  Look, I am just trying to put the kids’ minds at ease here.  They should be scared of giant sewer spiders and not scared of clowns.  Look for the new ‘It’ to be filming soon and for it not to live up to the original.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Is In Trouble?


Apparently, according to Page 6, Disney Execs are in a panic because Rogue One: A Star Wars Story isn’t testing well, and the movie is undergoing extensive reshoots.  Disney of course is saying that reshoots are part of any major blockbuster, and they just want to make the film as good as possible, but with only about six months left until the movie comes out that doesn’t leave a lot of time for shooting, editing and added special effects.

Granted Disney is a on a bit a hot streak with their flicks, so I am inclined to cut them a little slack, and saying a movie is in trouble will get your site more hits than saying everything is just peachy-keen, but Disney is cutting it close, so hopefully these reshoots are tweaks and not entirely new scenes.  I guess we only have to wait a few months to find out how things will turn out, but I have my fingers crossed because that first trailer was pretty great!

What Is In A Name? Transformers: The Last Knight!


Look, the Michael Bay transformers movies are bad.  Very bad, but due to my love of the franchise when I was a kid I still at least keep track of them, and then I watch them when they don’t cost me anything extra.  I don’t see that changing with Transformers 5, but I have to say the title is throwing me for a loop.  The Last Knight?  Are the Transformers royal now?  Are they next in line to be king?  Is Batman coming to save the day?  Man I hope it is Batman.  Because the new murder-y Batman would kill these abominations before they could destroy another city.

Sadly I am assuming that they have run out of ideas and that they are going to shoehorn in the Arthurian Legend.  It shows how wrong we were to think things couldn’t get any worse for this film franchise.  I wonder what beloved story they are going to appropriate for Transformers 6?  Cinderella?  Transformers: The Glass Slipper coming out in 2019!  I am probably not far off, I think I am going to go cry…

Shmee Watched Captain America: Winter Soldier 2 … Uhh Sorry … Civil War!


After months of hype Captain America: Civil War is finally in theaters, and I don’t know who brought the Russo brothers in to start directing the Captain America movies, but that person was a genius.  After a good-but-great Avengers movie Disney needed a big hit to prove that their Marvel mojo was still working, and Captain America: Civil War delivered in a big way.

Civil War takes place not long after Age of Ultron, with Cap and the gang out hunting bad guys as an elite fighting force.  When things go a little sideways on a mission people start calling for the Avengers to be reined in.  Surprisingly Tony Stark is one of those people.  As you can guess from all the artwork and advertising Steve Rodgers disagrees.  Neither of those gentlemen are very good at articulating their viewpoints so they decide to fight it out.

Honestly not to get too spoilery, but Civil War is probably an overstatement of what happens in this movie.  In the end it focuses more on Cap’s buddy Bucky than whether or not superheroes need a UN leash or not.  Which isn’t a bad thing, and it does make this more of a Captain America movie than an Avengers movie.  Just unlike the last Captain America movie it doesn’t have the, “Hey where are the Avengers?” problem.  Also since it forces the heroes to face it off it gets around Marvel’s growing lack of interesting villains problem.

It was also nice that while it built on previous movies Civil War was its own thing and not a giant advertisement for movies coming down the pike.  Sure it did get the ball rolling for the Black Panther and Spider-Man movies, but not in an over the top way.  More in a, “Hey aren’t these guys cool, and don’t you want to see more of them?!” kind of way.  Yes they are, and yes we do.  My wife loved Spider-Man.

Judging by the box-office results you are all going to see Captain America: Civil War without my approval, but that is fine.  It is a good movie, and it is worth seeing.  I hope they can find a way to inject this much life in to the rest of their franchise movies because I don’t know if I can sit through another Avengers: Age of Ultron after Civil War has shown me how good the Marvel movies can be.

Batman V Superman Didn’t Live Up To Expectations. Now What?


Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was a total miss with the critics, and movie goers are fleeing auditoriums at record rates.  There aren’t many movies that make $800 Million worldwide and are considered failures, but BvS is considered exactly that.  The question now becomes, “What does Warner Brothers do now?”  Apparently the answer is double down.

Even with Batman v Superman ‘only’ earning $800 Million it has given Warner Brothers executives a taste of what superhero movies can do for their studio, but they also know that the clock is ticking as far as how long the spandex cash cow will last, so to retool their movie slate would cost them too much time and money.  All they can do now is try and make sure the next few movies in the DC Cinematic Universe are good so that Batman v Superman is quickly forgotten.  Judging by the amount of money they are now throwing at Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman they aren’t taking any chances.

The budgets for both of those movies have been given a significant boost after the historically bad second weekend for Batman v Superman.  People have been claiming it is has been to add more ‘funny’ scenes in to both of those films, but according to the directors the money has been pretty much for whatever they think will make the movies better.  In other words people loved Wonder Woman from BvS, and the Suicide Squad trailer got people excited, so Warner Brothers is trying to make sure they capitalize on the opportunity.

As for the Justice League movie that starts filming in a couple of weeks, it sounds like Zack Snyder is going to have to deal with a lot more suits around his shoots.  Pretty much every executive Warner Brothers has said they are going to be more involved with Justice League than they were with Batman v Superman.  I can only hope that means Justice League will be batter than Batman v Superman and not even more of a convoluted mess.

We will see if the extra money that has been pumped in to the Suicide Squad has paid off soon since the movie comes out in four short months.  The trailers have been fun, so hopefully the movie is as well.  Wonder Woman comes out early next year.