Tale As Old As Time….


And now for something a completely different, today Mrs. Shmee wrote the following review for Beauty and the Beast, and spoiler alert, I think she liked it.


I recently went to see the new Disney adaption of Beauty and the Beast. I wanted to see it but wasn’t dying to see it. However, everywhere and everyone I talked to said YOU MUST SEE IT! I am so glad I did!

We all know the story. I won’t recap that, but the actors playing each of their characters were fantastic. I love (am obsessed with) Emma Watson. She is and will forever be Hermoine, and she was wonderful. The girl can act, no doubt, but she can sing too! The other actors, including Dan Stevens as the Beast, were great as well. Many British actors lent their voices to the notable household objects.

Besides the acting, the costumes, sets, cinematography and music were unbelievable! Next year during Oscar season I can see costumes, make-up, hair, etc being nominated. I thoroughly loved the costume changes.

Then there is the new music. We all know the original songs from the movie, but they added more. I am so glad they did! I will be ordering the soundtrack today. The Beast has his very own song, and it is beautiful. Dan can sing very well.

And our favorite baddie, Gaston (Luke Evans), was just down right perfection! The hair, the smugness, the cockiness and attitude was spot on! I loved Josh Gad as Lefou. He is just fun! I do like the changing of his character. I will just leave it at that.

Also, I might add that I do like that there is more of a back story for the main characters. Not many or any Disney movies offer this information. It was nice to see. Everyone will enjoy this movie. Please go see it.


No One Needs Wonder Woman More Than Warner Brothers!

So I know this came out Saturday, but I was rather busy yesterday, so I am going to talk about it today.  Is that okay?  I hope so because you really don’t have a choice.  The trailer above is very good, but Warner Bothers has a great marketing department.  The trailers for Batman V Superman and Suicide Squad were also good, but the movies themselves were lacking.  Warner Brothers needs Wonder Woman to not only be a hit financially, but critically as well.  As a mater of fact they would probably take less than stellar box office returns as long as people really liked the film, like they did with Batman Begins.  People tend to forget Batman Begins was a flop compared to its massive budget.

Warner Brothers needs to prove it can make good movies so they can keep up in the franchise arms with Disney.  Disney has the upper hand, but mostly because Warner Bros keeps bungling their releases.  Right now Warner Brothers needs a hero, and that hero is Wonder Woman.

{Sigh} Here Is A Thing…

Well against our better judgment they are making a Jurassic World 2.  Here is the photographic proof that it is shooting right now.  The first Jurassic World had its moments, but I wasn’t counting the days to its inevitable sequel.  None the less it is on its way, and I am guessing there will be children in trouble and only Chris Pine and Bryce Dallas Howard will be able to save them…  We will find out for sure next June.

Shmee Takes One Last Ride With Logan!

After seventeen years and ten films Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine needs no introduction.  Even if you have never seen any of the X-Men movies he is instantly recognizable, so the only question you could possibly have about Jackman’s last turn as the titular Logan is, “Is it any good?”  Yes, yes it is.

If you are wondering where Logan takes place in the ever shifting X-Men timeline, I would say don’t worry about it.  Technically it takes places in 2029 or about fifty years after the events of X-Men: Apocalypse since that is the last movie in the current timeline, but both Logan and Xavier reference things that happened in the first X-Men movie which took place in 2000.  However, due to X-Men: Days of Future Past, the first movie probably didn’t happen.  In the end, the movie is based on a comic book that was supposed to be a “what-if”, so it is best to treat the movie the same way.  Logan is ‘a’ future for the X-Men films, not ‘the’ future.  Also all references to earlier films are minor, so there is no need to watch them all before watching Logan.

Polygon wrote that Logan and Legion signal a sift for superhero films because they no longer need to conform to the ‘superhero’ genre.  They are now just films with superheroes in them, and I think that is true.  Logan is very much a western with the horses swapped out for trucks and the hero’s guns swapped out for retractable claws.  It is a genre that works very well for the lone gunmen that is Wolverine.  A lone gunman being forced to care for a young child, who happens to be his clone, and an ageing man, who happens to be the world’s most powerful psychic.

It is a heavy and sad film (I cried a little), but one I am glad they made.  It lets Huge Jackman take his character out on probably the highest note possible, and if this is the last film for Sir Patrick Stewart as Charles Xavier, he gives a wonderful performance too.  Which only leaves a couple of things to say, “Please don’t take your kids to Logan just because it is a comic book movie, it earns its ‘R’ rating”, and “How are they going to bring Dafne Keen’s Laura back from an improbable future to be the new Wolverine?  Because she was great!”  If you meet the age requirements to view Logan, you probably should.  It is a great movie, and easily one of the top three X-men movies.

We’ve Got Directors For Our Batmen!

Ben Affleck’s troubled “The Batman” has found a director, Matt Reeves.  Reeves is known for the new Planet of the Apes films as well as the Cloverfield  movies.  He also co-created the TV series Felicity, though I am guessing that is not what got him the job.  Reeves will take over directing duty as well as producing the film, and he will co-write the script with Affleck.  Reeves is a talented director, so this is good news.

Meanwhile Warner Brothers was so impressed with Lego Batman, that they are offering the director of that movie, Chis McKay, the job of bringing to life Batman’s most well known ward Dick Grayson.  Grayson was the original Robin who struck out on his own to become Nightwing.  Making a Nightwing movie makes sense because if Affleck decides to stop being Batman, Nightwing is more than up to the task of filling his role in the Justice League.

Hopefully with these talented directors on board the Bat-Family will once again be on the top of the Superhero scene.  If not, there are plenty of Bat-Family members left to choose from.