The Most Controversial Thing To Happen This Weekend Was A White Woman Playing A Japanese Cartoon!

Okay it wasn’t the most controversial thing to happen this weekend, but Twitter definitely wasn’t happy with it, and honestly I get the backlash.  Scarlett Johansson is playing a Japanese woman in a very Japanese looking movie, and this is the time and age where if you have a Japanese character they should probably be played by a Japanese person.  Though it is easy to see how this happened.  Hollywood is just now getting on board with women leading action movies, so to sell this movie Paramount got the most bankable woman they could find to star in it.  I am not saying it is right, I am just saying this shouldn’t have been a shock.

Hopefully women staring in action flicks becomes more common, so that we will have a larger and more diverse group of ladies to pick from in the near future, and this doesn’t happen so often.  All that being the case this movie looks pretty good, and 2017 is shaping up to be a good one for blockbusters.