Shmee Is Divergent!


With the success of Harry Potter, Twilight and The Hunger Games it is no surprise that movie studios are making movies based on every YA book ever written.  Divergent is Lionsgate/Summit Entertainment’s latest take on the genre, and it is a fine film, but it doesn’t do anything to set itself apart from other better movies.  You know like the movies I listed before.

Stop me if you have heard this before, a girl in a dystopian future finds out that she is different, and only she can save the world!  Well, okay, in this case it is a bombed out Chicago, but it is the world as they know it.  The big change in this movie is that they have to choose factions, but they are tested, and they are supposed to choose the faction that the test tells them to pick, sort of like a sorting hat, or a district or something.  Beatrice Prior’s (Shailene Woodley) test says she can be whatever she wants; she is divergent!

Anyway you get the general idea.  There may be a hunky guy or two in there too just for fun.  The story isn’t really that bad.  It is just very familiar, and the writers didn’t do a lot to stress the differences in this world to the ones that we have seen before.  Almost like they were instead playing up the similarities, which is a shame.  As a lover of comic books, I am okay with seeing the same story over and over, I just appreciate it when they at least try and show me something new.

The art direction follows the same path as the writing.  It is like they went ahead and copied the color pallets from other films **cough** The Hunger Games **cough**.  Though the destroyed Chicago set did look cool, and the city did help his movie at least feel like it was in a different place.

What saved this movie was Shailene Woodley.  She is charismatic, and even though her role forces her to be all “woe is me”, she is able to come off as a great leading lady.  The rest of the cast however is not as good.  Even Kate Winslet gives a pretty one note performance.  Maybe now that this movie was a hit the rest of the cast will all try a little harder.

I was pretty hard on this movie, but it wasn’t terrible.  It was just all done before, and better.  We are getting three more of these films, so they will have a chance to pick it up a bit.  I just hope that Insurgent can show us something new.

The LEGO Movie Blu-Ray Update!


I thought pretty highly of Warner Brother’s The LEGO Movie when it came out in theaters earlier this year, so I went ahead and bought the Blu-Ray. My thoughts on the movie itself have not changed, but I decided I would give you my impressions of the home video experience.

It is an animated film, so it looks great in high def.  The colors pop, and everything is crisp and clear.  In the theater I wasn’t able to fully appreciate all the bumps and seams on the characters that make them look like real LEGO mini-figs.  The fact they made the movie completely re-creatable with LEGO toys is impressive, and when you watch it at home the detail really comes through.

They have put a good amount of special features on the disk, like an Everything Is Awesome sing-along, why Batman is a true artist, and some deleted scenes.  You know the usual stuff for a kids movie, but it is all done well.  As always they include DVD and Ultra-Violet copies so you can watch this movie anywhere, or just keep the kids quiet on those long car rides.

If you love silly films, or just need to see most of the Justice League on screen, this film is well worth the purchase.  It looks great on your big screen, and children and adults will love it (if they don’t, they hate joy).  I hope that its 18 Million sequels (there are at least three in the works) will be able to keep the quality as high.

BioWare’s New Game Is Shadow Realms!


So after days of speculation we now know what BioWare’s new game is called: Shadow Realms.  With all the houses getting sucked in to black holes and magical abilities, I was hopping that they were making a big budget Shadowrun game, but instead it is a 4 on 1 multiplayer RPG in their own universe.  Four people team up and face off against a Shadow Lord.  The Shadow Lord beyond just being super powerful, also gets to command the dungeon, so he is sort of a GM.

So really since the game takes place in the current day, and it has fantasy elements, it is lot like Shadowrun, but they are not paying Microsoft or Catalyst for the license.  The big difference is I haven’t seen anyone use guns yet.  If they add guns then this is totally a Shadowrun rip-off, and I am okay with that.  Honestly add guns and call it Shadowrun: Rise of the Shadow Lords.  I would pay all kinds of money for that game.

If this was a single player game I would be more excited.  The fact I have to find four people with to play this with all the time is a little lame, so hopefully there is a good grouping system.  We will see when it gets closer to release.

If you are interested you can sign up for the alpha here.  IGN has posted four minutes of gameplay footage, and I am reposting it for your viewing pleasure below:

Shmee Can’t Stop Watching Green Lantern! He Has A Problem…


The Green Lantern is my favorite comic book character.  I love that he is a space cop, that his powers are limited only by his imagination, and that it is all just a little odd.  So when they made the 2011 movie I was more than excited.  Then the movie came out, and it was terrible.  You would think that would be it.  I would watch the terrible movie once, mourn, and then move one, but no, I can’t.  My love of the Green Lantern will not let me.  So I watch his movie about once a year, and I wince my way through it.

It is bad on just about every level.  The story is rushed, the special effects are less than special, and the acting is poor.  My wife pointed out that Ryan Reynolds is not the problem with this movie, and that it would be bad without him, and she is right, but he doesn’t make it any better.  It feels like no one really had any passion for this movie, so they kind of threw it together, and as a fan of the character, I think that hurts most of all.

I previously wrote about some ideas for the new Green Lantern movie, whenever that comes out, and it will because of DC’s need to get the Justice League off the ground.  What they really need is someone who loves the Green Lantern Universe as much as the fans do, and will tell good Green Lantern Corps stories.  I could have lived with sub-par special effects and Ryan Reynolds if they would have told a story worth telling, but they couldn’t figure out what they wanted to do. Did they want a space epic?  A simple origin story?  The story of how Sinestro goes bad?  Any of those could have been one movie, but instead they slam them all together, and give us a muddled mess.

Comic book movies are the biggest box office draw right now, and Hollywood loves a sure thing, so I will get another movie with a Green Lantern in it.  I just hope it comes out soon, so I can stop watching this horrible movie.  For now it is the only big screen adaptation I have, so I will keep watching it with a tear in my eye.

Batman V Superman Gets Its Aquaman!


After months of speculation and downright denial, Variety is now reporting that it is official: Jason Momoa of Game of Thrones fame is Aquaman!


I think this is my favorite casting yet!  I know he is not blond, but he just has the look of the King of the Sea, and I can see him kicking the crap out of Superman or Batman if need be.  I just hope he shows up riding a Kraken, or you know destroys everything with a school of megalodon sharks!
