Oh man! It is time to start getting pumped up for the movies of the fall and winter, and there is no movie coming out right now that is as anticipated as The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1! I am still disappointed that they are splitting up this movie in to two, but it still looks amazing, and I can’t wait to see it!
What Is Destiny?
What is Destiny? This is a question that I think that the developer Bungie should have asked themselves more. Because this game lacks a clear focus. Before I get too far in to this, I would like to say that I do actually like this game it just has several odd oversights that hold it back from being truly special. If you had told me Bungie was going to merge Halo and Borderlands, and then add in a little Guild Wars I would have been ecstatic, but the problem is that they don’t do any one of those games enough.
The game starts like any good MMO does with character creation, and this is one of the best character creators in recent memory. You can create your character fast, and they look great, but then it doesn’t matter since you will have a helmet and power armor on that will make you look like everyone else. So everyone plays as androgynous power armor person.
The helmet comes off in “The Tower” which they call the “social area”, so you would think that you would then be able to socialize with people, but you would be wrong. You can dance and wave at people, but you can’t do anything else. So if you want to chat with someone you need to quick remember their name go in to the menu and try and invite them to your Fire Team. This will then make them reload the same zone, and then you can talk with them, but by the time you have done all the menu navigation they will have left. So pretty much The Tower is were you complete quests, buy stuff, and get items identified.
Speaking of items, this game wants you to think it is like Borderlands with tons of cool loot, but it is not. Sure you do get new items, but they are all pretty much upgrades of the stuff you had before, some have skill upgrades, but they really aren’t super cool. It is just better than your old stuff. Which is nice, but there is rarely that “Awesome Thing!” moment.
Similarly while you do level up and gain skills, there is no tree. You don’t get to make a lot of choices. Something like the grenade skill you get to choose which grenade you want active, but there is not a lot more to it than that. Every player of the same type will have the exact same skill set as you. It is a shame because that is half the fun of leveling up.
Then there is the story. Man it is lame. Dark versus light, The Fallen, I think they thought that being super in your face with the names of stuff would be cool, but instead it is just boring, and all the actors seem to think the same thing. They are all phoning it in. For such a large scale game it is pretty amazing they didn’t get someone with some real skill to write this game.
Like other MMOs this game has the ability to let you out and explore and do random quests, but the problem is that there is nothing to really explore. You go through everything in the story mode, so you can pretty much just wander around in the same places again, but this time with crappy fetch quests. Huzzah!
The PVP feels like a watered down Halo. It kind of controls the same, but since you bring in your weapons and skills it lacks that needed to rush to get the cool weapon, and then the more leveled up characters will have a major advantage since they have access to all their skills. Sure they do make all the guns do around the same amount damage, but if you have a cool gun that has a five round burst instead of three, the gun doesn’t loose that ability. You just get that advantage.
I like this game, and it is fun to play, but it just fell short in so many areas. I was hoping for the next best thing, but instead what I got was a well polished generic shooter. I am pretty sure that generic shooter wasn’t what Bungie was going for when they asked themselves “What is Destiny?”
Let’s Cast TNT’s Teen Titans!
So I guess TNT decided that if every other channel was getting a DC show then they needed one too. Still the one they picked surprised me, Teen Titans. This shouldn’t be that shocking since there have now been two popular cartoons based off this property, but a show about butt kicking teenagers seems like an odd choice for the serious TNT. To help them out I thought I would cast it for them.
Nightwing/Robin: Liam James
I know I already used him for Billy in the Shazam movie, but he could use some steady work, and he was super good in The Way Way Back, so I am using him again. Deal with it. I think he has what it takes to lead this group of young justice bringers.
Starfire: AnnaSopia Robb
Yeah I know she is from The Way Way Back too, but I forgot about that when I picked her. Then when I remembered she was in that movie it made me like this choice even more. She is a talented young actress and would have no problem being the most powerful member of the group…… unless they add a Green Lantern.
Beast Boy: Thomas Brodie-Sangster
Beast Boy was hard because he had to be funny and be able to handle the action. Luckley for me Thomas just ended his stint on Game of Thrones (sorry if that is a spoiler), and I know he is funny because he is also Ferb from Phineas and Ferb!
Raven: Elizabeth Giles
Really I just picked her because she has a lot of experience and is brunette. She has that superhero look, and I could see her casting a few spells.
Cyborg: Michael B. Jordan
Yeah I know he is in the new Fantastic Four movie, but those always suck, so I am finding him more work. He is a great actor, and I think he would do a great job.
There. This would be a show I would watch! I don’t have expanded cable, so I would have to watch it on Netflix, but I so would.
Let’s Take A Moment To Talk About Comic Book Stuff!
There has been a lot of action in the comic book world recently, so I thought I would give my two cents about everything going on. My two cents are very valuable you know!
The New Batmobile Is Revealed!
As you can see in the image above Batman’s new ride has been spotted. It is a mix between the old stylized Batmobiles and the newer movies’ Tumblers. I like it. It shows that Batman is ready for anything, but it still looks fast, and It looks a lot like the Batmobile from the new Arkham Knight game.
Critics Praise Gotham!
Critics gave Gotham the “Most Promising New Show” award. That is surprising since it is a police procedural, and one based on comic books. Though it gives me hope that this will be a show worth watching.
A Supergirl TV Show?
The team that has brought you Arrow and The Flash are working on Supergirl. Supergirl is an odd choice since she is usually tied to her more famous cousin, but it would be fun to have a bright and bubbly superhero show on TV instead of all the angst. I have heard that they may not want to use the Supergirl name since there is no Superman in which case they would use her Earth 2 moniker Power Girl.
They haven’t picked a channel for the show yet, but I am hoping NBC. She and Constantine would be an awesome duo. Constantine dealing with the magic and Supergirl laying waste to the bad guys would be a match made in heaven. My only fear is that poor TV special effects would make the show look cheap.
Constantine Gets New Friends!
Speaking of Constantine, they have cast Emmett Scanlan as Jim Corrigan. If that name doesn’t ring a bell don’t worry, but in the comic book world he dies and becomes The Spectre. The Spectre loves to use his ghostly wiles to terrorize bad guys, so I think he will be a good fit with Constantine, and hopefully Dr. Fate. This would also make sense since they were talking about making a Spectre TV show, and this way they could just spin it off.
I Was Wrong About The Rock!
He is indeed going to be Black Adam and not Shazam. I guess he didn’t want to sign on for a lot of movies. It might be time to head to the casting couch!
Michael Douglas Will Not Wear The Ant-Man Suit!
Even though Michael Douglas is playing the first Ant-Man Hank Pym, he will leave all the tight fitting suits to Paul Rudd’s Scott Lang. It is a shame, I was hoping for some Ant-Man on Ant-Man action.
My thirteen year old self is super excited for all the upcoming comic book media! I just hope it is all good. I guess time will tell.
Two Destinies For The Price Of One!
I haven’t had much time with Destiny yet, but I have a couple of amusing things to point out. If you buy the Xbox 360 version of Destiny you get the Xbox One version free, likewise if you buy the PS3 version you get the PS4 version free, so of course I had to fire up the 360 version to see how it looks, and after playing the Xbox One version it is hard to look at.
It has jagged edges all over the place, the textures show seams, it is hard to go back. Still it is nice to have another place to play Destiny if I need to, and the characters move back and forth between the versions flawlessly. It is just impressive with all the flack that we give the Xbox One for not being “truly” next gen just how much better it looks than the 360, at least in Destiny’s case.
What is also fun, is that if you play between the versions you get the achievements twice with no extra effort. All I had to do was log in to the 360 version and I got all the achievements I had earned in the Xbox One version. I don’t know if they are going to close that loophole, but besides just being a better deal to buy the 360 version it is also super easy to pad your Gamer Score.
Other than that this game is very similar to the beta, but it seems to look and play a little better. I will do a proper review later, but I thought I would share my current double console experiences.