We Finally Know DC’s Movie Plans!


Well after months of speculation Warner Brothers has finally taken the lid off of all their DC movie plans and they are as follows:

2016: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice

2016: Suicide Squad

2017: Wonder Woman

2017: Justice League Part 1

2018: The Flash

2018: Aquaman

2019: Shazam!

2019: Justice League Part 2

2020: Cyborg

2020: Green Lantern (Reboot)

That is quite the list, and it lends credence to the rumor that they are filming the first Justice League movie right after BvS:DoJ.  They also said that they are working on solo Batman and Superman films, so shove those in there somewhere too.  They took the opportunity to announce who was going to play The Flash as well: Ezra Miller.  You can get a look at him below.


Not the typical superhero look, but he seems to be a good actor, and that is all that matters.  I am sure that he can put on a little body mass before his solo turn as the Scarlet Speedster.  I am a little sad they are not using Grant Gustin from the TV show, but this frees the show and the movies up to do what they want without having worry about continuity between the two universes.

I found it odd that they were going to do a Suicide Squad movie before all the solo JL member movies, but the more I think about it the more it makes sense.  They want to get all their heroes out on the table, so why not get their minor ones out there too.  It proves that DC has more good guys (even ones being forced to be good) than just Bats and Supes.  The Squad has also gotten a little notoriety by being featured on Arrow, so maybe that will help them sell tickets as well.

I am a little hurt that they announced this all at an investors meeting and not at some large geek event, but it is good to know their plans, and it looks like I will have a lot of movies to watch and review over the NEXT SIX YEARS.  Any thoughts on the list?  I would love to hear them.

HBO Go To Free Itself From Cable!


It is about time!  I love HBO Go, but the fact I need a cable subscription rubs me the wrong way.  It looks like next year that will not be a problem.  I don’t know how much it will cost, but if HBO is breaking from cable here is hoping that other channels start to as well.  I would love just to pay for the channels I want, and I am hoping this is the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

The Civil War Starts With Captain America 3!


It looks like Captain America is going to feature Iron Man, and possibly setup the Civil War story line where all mutants need to register with S.H.I.E.L.D.  In the comics Stark is okay with this requirement, but Cap thinks it impedes on our civil liberties.  As you can guess this rips the mutant community apart.  This would be a fun story to start, and makes 2016 once again look like the best year in comic book movies yet.

Walking Dead Season 5 Starts With A Bang!


I am so used to slow starts with the Walking Dead that episode one “No Sanctuary” of this season took me totally off guard.  It told a coherent story, it was action packed, filled with tension, and well edited.  This may have been the best episode of the series so far.  Ever since Scott Gimple took over the writing for this show it has been getting much better, and it looks like that is going to continue.

I really want to talk about what happens, but there is no way to do it without giving everything away.  You will just have to watch it, and you will be happy that you did.  This episode sets up this year up for success, and I hope they can keep up this momentum because this episode was great.

LEGO Batman Is The Best Batman! (Oh, Other Stuff Happened Too)


In probably the best DC Comics movie news of last week, and last week had had some great DC news, Batman from the LEGO Movie is getting his own flick in 2017!  Will Arnett’s version of the Caped Crusader was a lot of fun in the LEGO Movie, and he pretty much stole every scene he was in, so this is not that surprising, but it is good news.  I hope he brings the rest of the Justice League with him!

It looks like DC is really pumping the gas for its live action movies as well hiring Chris Terrio (Argo) to write the Justice League, and it looks like Brainiac will be the crew’s nemesis.  DC is also getting the script ready for a Suicide Squad movie.  Sadly Harley Quinn will not be in this version of the evil doer forced to be good franchise, but I am sure they are saving a roster spot for her in future films.  A Suicide Squad movie is really going to put the pressure on Sony to deliver a good Sinister Six film.

With all of these movies coming out, March 2016 can’t get here soon enough.  I can’t wait to get DC’s movie universe started.  For more information check out Latino Review!