The Paladin joins The Crew


I don’t remember signing up for the beta for Ivory Tower’s The Crew, an open-world racing game, being published by Ubisoft. I don’t do a lot of racing games, not since Mario Cart on the SNES, so I wasn’t sure what I was going to get out of the game. The Crew’s claims to fame are a world map that truncates the United States so you can drive across the highways and byways from one coast to the other in an hour instead of several days; additionally you are playing at the same time as other players who you can join up with to complete the missions.

The game is very pretty, driving through the digital United States is a lot of fun, but you’re doing 130mph everywhere so you’re not able to really take in the view. You start in Detroit, but you can drive anywhere you’d like. There are some small towns and sights that dot the landscape between the big cities, as well as hidden items you can collect to build a secret car or improve your current car. You’re guided wherever you want to go by a floating blue line that gives you enough information without being intrusive. I took the long trip to Seattle from Detroit, traveling across the Midwest and then into the hills, even unofficially racing another player as we both struggled to navigate the high speeds, logging trucks, and tight curves of the mountain passes. He eventually turned off for Salt Lake City, while I made the final push to the Emerald City. Sigh, I miss him. Along the route you pass through challenges that you can engage in to earn improvements for your car (although the challenges are locked to certain levels so the ones on the way to Seattle were closed off to me). These challenges range from Speed, Slalom, or Jump skill challenges that reward you at different levels (Bronze, Silver, and Gold… FYI, Gold is bestest).

The story missions I played offered some variety, most involving NPC racers for me to crash into and bounce off of to victory. These races happen in their own instance so you’re not in the world, tying up the streets with your illegal street racing. The story is a mix of revenge and Fast and Furious and could be interesting, although hard to say when I only played a handful of missions. Joining with other players, I think, improves your bonuses and rewards when you win. I of course wouldn’t know because I’m a lone wolf who rides alone.

Overall I enjoyed The Crew even though it’s not my preferred style of game. I’m sure someone has some actual critique driving mechanics (I chose the Nissan Z which let me drift around corners effortlessly, unlike the Dodge Charger that drifted like a bar of wet soap), but I never felt I was overly punished for not being a racer. The only other critique I might have is the depiction of the United States. The map has Seattle, with some changes like I-5 North loops back to the Alaska Way Viaduct southbound instead of traveling further northward; but it doesn’t have Spokane or Portland. Auburn is on the map for some reason, which was odd. Eastern Washington, also was also far too tree covered.

I could of course spend a long time picking the world map decisions apart, but the reality is we don’t have to power available (not to mention the privacy concerns) to truly create a map where I can park in front of my house (however awesome that would be). So, you have to cut Ivory Tower some slack there. The Crew, for me as a non-racer, was actually a lot of fun and I was bummed when the Beta ended. The racing games for me that have been the most fun are those where you do more than race, preferably crashing into my friends or shooting red turtle shells at them; The Crew looks like it hits those notes as well as the racer notes well enough to make all the gamers feel comfortable behind the wheel of their virtual car. The Crew is scheduled to release this December and you might want to see it under your Christmas Tree this year.

Chris Pratt Snags Another Comic Book Lead!


It seems that if you have a little known comic book that you want to make a movie out of you call Star Lord, err I mean Chris Pratt.  Here is good look at the handsome fella.

chris-prattHe has just signed on to be the lead in Cowboy Ninja Viking.  Never heard of it?  That is fine, almost no one has, but it looks like Universal is not content to let Disney, Warner Bros, Sony, and Fox make all the comic book movies without them.

I am fine with Universal making movies out of Image comics, but I am not sure that I would have started with the odd Cowboy Ninja Viking.  I would have preferred they started with Invincible, or at least Witchblade or something.  Still it seems that Pratt can do no wrong these days, so I am sure he will make a fun movie out of it.

It is strange that Disney is letting Pratt take on another comic book film considering that they wouldn’t let Jaime Alexander (Sif from Thor) try out for Wonder Woman.  Maybe they didn’t have faith in their space opera and didn’t lock him down the same way that the other Marvel actors have been, or maybe he just has a better agent that wouldn’t let him get locked down.  Whatever the case, we will see him suit up as a Cowboy, a Ninja, and a Viking sometime in 2018.

So Seventh Son Is Still Coming Out!

I have to admit, I forgot all about this movie, and with its release date continually getting shifted around the odds of it being any good are close to zero, but there are so few decent fantasy movies besides The Lord of the Rings that I will remain hopeful.  It has good actors in it, so let’s hope they can pull this off.

This Is Post 500!


I can’t believe that I am typing this, but my Big Hero 6 review was my 499th post!  I honestly thought that I would have given up by now, but here I am typing up post 500.  It is crazy that over 15,000 people have visited my site from almost every country in the world.  I still have a few left in Africa and Asia, and for some reason Iceland will not come and visit.  Come on Iceland I will not bite!

It has been great having The Paladin write a few posts for the blog, and he has added 14 more reviews and whatnot on top of my 500.  It is good to get a different viewpoint on here every now and then.  I am hoping that he will continue to add posts when he feels like it.

The number one post besides my front page was my Wonder Woman casting page.  It is still popular which is odd since Gal Gadot got the role about a year ago.  Maybe people just want the pictures or something.  My least viewed page was my rant about where they should go with the Star Wars franchise.  One whole person besides myself read it.  Oh well, we all know where Disney is headed now.

I would like to thank you all for coming to visit!  It has been fun sharing my thoughts on things and stuff with all of you!  I hope you will all continue to come hang out on my little corner of the internet.

Shmee Hangs Out With The Big Hero 6!


So what happens when you combine Marvel and Disney Animation Studios? Magic of course!  I don’t think there are two studios on more of a roll right now than Marvel (Guardians of the Galaxy, Iron Man) or Disney Animation (Frozen, Wreck-it Ralph), so to combine their efforts in to a superhero movie for families was bound to be successful.  Big Hero 6 will be a favorite for years to come.

Hiro Hamada (Ryan Potter) is a young genius, and when his groundbreaking invention is stolen by an evil guy in a kabuki mask, it is up to Hiro to bring him to justice.  Of course Hiro will not be going alone.  He and his super-smart friends will create awesome superhero suits for themselves so they can deliver justice!

I left a lot out of that plot synopsis because I didn’t want to ruin anything, but I got to give it to Disney for not pulling any punches, and really making a touching film about loss and grief.  I know you are now looking at my previous paragraph and wondering what you missed, but like I said I left a lot out.  It was also smart of them to pick a fairly little known, and not even a particularly well liked comic book to adapt in to a film because it let them change the characters and their motives without a bunch of pointless geek backlash.

As you can guess Disney Animation Studios is still making good looking movies, and Big Hero 6 might be their best looking yet.  The fictional San Fransokyo looks like a real living and breathing place, and one that I would love to visit.  The characters all look great and move wonderfully.  This studio is at the top of their game right now.

Disney always does an amazing job of getting good voice actors.  Other studios just try and get a lot of big names to make an impressive credit list, but instead Disney gets the right people for the job.  Sure you may know Damon Wayans, Jr. or T.J. Miller, but they are not a box-office draw.  They are however wonderful in this movie, and Ryan Potter really manages to convey all of Hiro’s emotions extremely well.

I really liked this movie, and I can’t wait to see Disney Animation Studios’ next film.  Plus we will just mark off yet another hit for Marvel while we are at it.  Disney has become an almost unstoppable force these days, and now the only people that could slow them down are themselves, but with movies like this, I don’t see them stumbling any time soon.