Nintendo surprised everyone this morning by saying their new console is coming out this year! In a few short months even! Just not the Nintendo NX like everyone is waiting for, but a re-release of the classic Nintendo Entertainment System, the Nintendo Classic Mini. It will play 30 games at launch and come with one controller. You will need to buy a USB AC adapter to power it since apparently they are too cheap to include one, but hey for $60 it looks like a pretty fun device. Are you going to pick one up this November?
Here is the pretty awesome list of games:
- Balloon Fight
- Bubble Bobble
- Castlevania
- Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest
- Donkey Kong
- Donkey Kong Jr.
- Double Dragon II: The Revenge
- Dr. Mario
- Excitebike
- Final Fantasy
- Galaga
- Ghosts N Goblins
- Gradius
- Ice Climber
- Kid Icarus
- Kirby’s Adventure
- Mario Bros.
- Mega Man 2
- Metroid
- Ninja Gaiden
- Pac-Man
- Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream
- StarTropics
- Super C
- Super Mario Bros.
- Super Mario Bros. 2
- Super Mario Bros. 3
- Tecmo Bowl
- The Legend of Zelda
- Zelda II: The Adventure of Link