The Problem With People!

I have noticed that a lot of people are being really hard on stars and cultural figures of late, and while I agree that we should always want the best out of our public figures, we should remember that in the end they are just people.

The media and the internet blew up over the Miley Cyrus twerking incident.  Book lovers seem to love to hate Orson Scott Card for his stance on gay marriage, and geeks everywhere are jumping all over Penny-Arcade’s no doubt poor response to a controversial comic they produced, but here is the problem.  They are all people.  If you expect to put a person under a microscope and find perfection, you will sadly be disappointed, and the longer you keep them under the microscope the worse it gets.

We love to do this.  We exalt some person, but as soon as they make a wrong move, do we act with forgiveness?  Nope we get out the pitch forks and light the bonfires.  It happened to Amy Grant when she got her divorce, or Britney Spears when she had her melt down.  Heck, we are still doing it to Lindsay Lohan.  But the problem is that they are not the problem.  We are.

I am good guy from all accounts, but if I had to deal with the scrutiny of all these people it would be exhausting, and I would let you down because like the people above, I am a human being.  Human beings are never perfect, ever.  If we call out every slip up, and then pile them on.  There is no escape until we have destroyed yet another hero.

I know a rant on the internet on a blog that few people read will not make a difference, but maybe we should let up and let people be people, and forgive them for their ills.  They just might surprise you and turn out better than we expected.

What Is Next For Tech?


So Nokia and Apple both had press conferences yesterday, and I would love to talk about all the exciting and interesting things that happened in them, but I can’t because they are just faster versions of what are already out there.  True the Nokias have bigger screens, and the new iPads are thinner, but they mostly just do what they did before, so I was thinking, “what will be the next big thing for tech?”

Some people are saying it will be wearable computing like watches, Google Glasses, or even Oculus Rift, but I don’t see it.  The watches don’t anything super useful, Google Glasses makes you look like a dork, and Oculus Rift will make you vomit.

So my guess is that the next big thing will be power.  It may not affect you like your cell phone or tablet does, but it will be way more important.  The need for vast amounts of electrical power is rapidly amping up, so the world’s top people are working on it.  They are doing cool things with fusion now, and looking in to all sorts of random power generating theories.  It is only a matter of time before they hit that eureka moment.

Once we have almost unlimited electrical power then I think we will start to see real personal tech advancement again, like personal robot butlers.

Shmee Picks Wonder Woman!


I decided that since I keep crying about Warner Brothers not making a Wonder Woman movie, that I would make their job easier by picking Princess Diana of Themyscira myself.  Here are my top five picks:

5: Ashley Greene


I have to admit that I mostly just picked her because she has the look.  She has been the in the awful Twilight movies, but I won’t hold that against her because she looks like Lynda Carter’s daughter.  The fact that she is young and unknown works in her favor, so she could wear the red, white, and blue for a long time.

4: Kate Beckinsale


She has been a leading female action star for a long time now, and that might make her too obvious for this role, but movie goers would believe that she could beat up the bad guys while in the uniform, and that is a good thing.

3: Gina Carano

Gina Carano

She is an MMA fighter turned actress known mostly for her role in Haywire.  Unlike the other women on this list, she can beat up bad guys in real life, so being the first lady of super heroes should be pretty easy for her.

2: Jaime Alexander


Jaime already has a good job as a super hero as one of Thor’s side kicks, Sif, but she has proven that she could take on the fight by herself, so why not cross enemy lines from Marvel and star as one of the best super heroes period for DC.  She has the look and the acting chops, so she would be a slam dunk.

1: Gina Torres


The other actresses on this list may have the classic Wonder Woman look, but Gina has the feel and grandeur of Wonder Woman down.  I would feel very safe if I knew she had come from Themyscira to protect the mortals.  Plus as a geek favorite, she would get butts in seats which would be important to executive types.

That is my list, and I am sure you disagree with me, so I would love to have you post your list women to be the Amazing Amazon.

Why Is There No Avengers Love For Captain Marvel?


I have been hard on DC for not releasing a Wonder Woman movie for a long time, but I decided that DC wasn’t the only major comic book movie house ignoring a major female superhero.  I should be just as hard on Marvel for not releasing a Captain Marvel movie, or at the very least including her in The Avengers: Age of Ultron.

While it is true that Captain Marvel has not always been a woman, but she has been since the 80’s, and now they have cemented that by merging her with Ms. Marvel last year, which was kind of a no brainer.  She may not be the most well known hero, and a lot of people confuse her with DC’s Captain Marvel (AKA Shazam), but she is as main line as it gets.  Plus no other movie studios can lay claim to her.  She is way more well known then the Guardians of The Galaxy which get their movie next year, and way more popular than Ant Man which is in pre-production.

What is great about her for a movie is that she can stand on her own, and she is not a part of X-Men or something.  She plays well with Avengers, as a multitude of comic books can attest too, so working her in to the next movie just makes sense.  She is one of the best heroes in Marvel’s catalog, and she is being left on the sidelines.

I know they are just movies, but I think it is time for one of the ladies to get up there and join the men in the spotlight.  Captain Marvel can hold her own, she just needs a chance to prove it.


Daniel adds his thoughts to the lack of female superhero movie’s today as well, but about Wonder Woman.

Not Ready To Give Up On S.H.I.E.L.D!


Geeks are a funny breed.  They can turn on something so quickly after they were extremely excited about it.  A few weeks ago Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D was going to be the best thing ever:  a weekly show firmly rooted in the Marvel Movie universe, but now after just three shows a lot geeks are calling it the worst thing ever.  They are the reason Firefly got canceled.

Geeky shows tend to have slow starts.  It is just a fact.  Star Trek: The Next Generation wasn’t great until season 3.  Deep Space Nine was the same way.  That is not even counting all the Joss Whedon shows.  Buffy and Angle both had slow starts, and Dollhouse wasn’t good until they decided to cancel it.  Firefly had a great one season, but the first episode wasn’t that good and its ratings never recovered (starts to weep uncontrollably).

People just need a little patience with shows, especially shows in large universes that need some time to establish who they are, and what their reason for existing is.  Nobody watched Breaking Bad at first because they didn’t get it, but thankfully AMC had nothing to run in its place, and Netflix got people interested in it again.

So no S.H.I.E.L.D has not been the best show ever in the last three weeks, but it isn’t that bad either, and I am willing to give it the time it needs to find itself.  Because I don’t want to be one of the people that gets the next Firefly or Star Trek: The Next Generation canceled.