The Paladin’s PAX Wrap-up

paxLike Shmee and Daniel, I too have returned from PAX Prime 2014 and lived to tell the tell. You can read their excellent wrap-ups here and here. My own experience was a little more wandering this year and like Shmee, I found the Expo Hall feeling a little less inviting than in years past. In fact it wasn’t until Sunday that I even saw the smaller hall where, Sega, and The Behemoth were setup. Throughout the expo hall the crowds were heavy, the lines long, the atmosphere a confusing mix of sights and sounds, and the ever present pressure of the crowd giving you little time to take it all in. The exception was the 6th floor where more indie games could be found, the booths were less flashy, and the crowds were manageable – additionally the games were often unique and innovative beyond the AAA franchises and sequels of the main hall.

The diamond in the rough here was Fortified!, a pulpy ’50 Science Fiction co-op shooter/defense game that had a fantastic art direction and vibe in addition to enjoyable gameplay that ramped up in difficulty so smoothly you hardly noticed the fly saucer destroying your base atop all the other madness.

Also on the 6th floor I found something for my Christmas list, the ergonomic pillow from Glomtom. I just walked up to the booth, sat down, they told me to relax and just play after setting the pillow on my lap. Now I don’t power game like I use to, but this pillow made even the ten minutes I played Diablo III very comfortable. Plus the built in storage would be a great place for me to hide my controller from grubby children fingers.

Three exceptions to the otherwise avoidable Expo Hall were Massive Chalice, Screen Cheat, and Dreadnought. Shmee is a big fan of the studio Double Fine, so he made sure he played Massive Chalice on the show floor. I’m glad I tagged along because the game has great potential. It’s a turn based strategy game like XCOM, but then you can retire your heroes, marry them to another hero, and wait nine months for their combined genetics to make your next fighter. It’s a cool concept. Screen Cheat was in the indie booths on the main floor and brought me back to the good old days of multiplayer when you sat right next to your opponent and cheated by looking at their screen like the good Lord intended. Screen Cheat adds the wrinkle that your opponents are invisible on your screen so you have to look at their screens to know where they actually are in the world so you can hunt them down – again as the good Lord intended. The last one I didn’t actually get to play, but that was Dreadnought a multiplayer game where instead of fleet soldiers or maneuverable star fighters you command ungainly capital ships. The line grew for this game each day, so it obviously captured a lot of people’s attention (or they had good swag?).

Finally, if you are going to play one card-based action-adventure RPG make sure it’s Thornwatch. Developed by Penny Arcade’s very own Mike Krahulik you and your fellows play members of the Thornwatch deep in the Eyrewood, a vast magical forest. People call forth the Thornwatch by tying specific knots to birch trees asking for aid or protection. I was able to playtest the game on Saturday and found the experience to be super fun. The way the cards are designed it really plays into teamwork or synergy as the game calls it, meaning you’re part of the action the whole round not just your turn. The artwork and theme are fabulous as well. There’s no firm date on what it will reach the masses but you too can sign up for chances to play or stay up-to-date on the website.

Of course with a show like this there is so much to actually talk about that this post could go on forever. Instead I’ll just give you the list of honorable mentions in no particular order with links you can explore yourself: Pathfinder, Fortnite, the Valiant RPG, XCOM: The Board Game, Fantasia: Music Evolved, Slap .45, Shadow of Morder, Shadowrealm, World of Planes, Towerfall, Hero Forge, and Evolution.


PAX Prime 2014 Wrap-Up!


So another PAX Prime has come and gone, so I thought I would share my impressions of this year’s show!

The Year Of The Off-Site Party: This year there were a lot of off-site events.  I went to two of these events, Bioware’s Shadow Realms party, and Epic’s Fortnite event.  At these events the developers wined and dined attendees, and also let the attendees play their games, which was very nice of them.

The Expo Hall Has Became More Pointless: The Expo Hall is a main selling point for PAX, and it is worth walking through, but it has lost a lot relevance.  All the games, including some lower tier games, have long lines, and they are showing less and less.  Your time is better spent playing board games, chatting with indie developers, going to talks and panels, or checking out the aforementioned outside events.

PAX Needs More Space: The show is more spread out than ever.  To go see something at the main theater, you had to walk six blocks.  What to play board games? Three blocks.  Go get something signed? Off you go to the Paramount Theater.  I love that PAX Prime is in Seattle, but they need to find a bigger venue.

Oculus Rift Is Everywhere, But Still Not Compelling: There were a lot of games featuring the Oculus Rift, but they were mostly small indies, and the games themselves were not that interesting.  It was fun to get the gear on this year, but if Facebook wants to sell a lot of these things they are going to need to find a must have game to move units.

Board/Card Game Of The Year: I didn’t play a lot of board games this year, but of the few I did play, I am going with Hot Tin Roof.  It is a game were you play as cats trying to navigate city roof tops, but other cats will build cat walks and shelters and make you pay to pass through.  It is like they mixed Monopoly and Ticket To Ride and made both simpler and more streamlined.  It will be a great new game for the family.

Table-Top RPG Of The Year: This one took me by surprise, but Valiant by Catalyst took the title this year.  It takes place in the little known Valiant comic book universe, which you have probably never heard of outside of maybe X-O Manowar.  It is a simple system with fun rules, and fast gameplay.  The little known universe works in its favor since you can bend the NPC superheroes to fit your needs, and no-one cares that much.  This would be a great starter RPG for anyone wanting to dip their toe in to the Table-Top world.

Video Game Of The Year: FortniteYou might argue that they bribed me by giving me free food and drinks, but I don’t care!  I have no journalistic integrality to uphold.  This Minecraft/Shooter hybrid is a lot of fun, and from what the devs told us there are a lot of new modes coming.  It is in closed Alpha right now, but you can sign up and try to get in, and you should, so you can help me build forts and try to stem the zombie tide!  Here is the link.

That was a brief review of my PAX Prime.  I had a lot of fun.  I may go more in depth with the games I played in the days to come, but we will see.  Thanks for reading, and maybe I will see you at next year’s PAX.

BioWare Is Making A New Game!


BioWare is responsible for my favorite game of all time Knights of The Old Republic, and now they have released some live action teaser trailers for their new game.  Here they are:

They have my interest peaked!  They could be a setup for Mass Effect 4, but they don’t quite seem to fit that.  Some people have been speculating that it is some sort of superpower based RPG, which I would be totally fine with.  I guess we only have to wait a few more days until Gamescom or PAX Prime to find out!

EA Access Is A Good Start


Yesterday EA announced a new program for Xbox One called Access.  Access will either cost you $5 a month or $30 a year, and in return for your hard earned money you will get “access” to a bunch of their older games.  In this first round you would be a able to play Madden NFL 25, Battlefield 4, Peggle 2, and Fifa 14.  Since I already own two of those games, it is not a very compelling package for me.  Though they have said they are “working” to add more very soon.  I am not sure what working means.  It must be hard to allow people to download games or something.

On top of old games they will also give early “access” to new games, but unlike normal demos your progress will transfer over to the games.  So if you are really excited about Dragon Age: Inquisition it might be enough to get you to try out the service.  You will also apparently get discounts on EA games, though I haven’t seen any specific numbers for that.  So if you really like EA’s upcoming lineup this might be the service you have been waiting for!

This seems like a no brainer move.  It allows EA to leverage their old games so that you will be more inclined to buy the DLC for those games, or use your discounts to pick up the new ones.  For now however, I don’t think the games being offered are enticing enough, and even though I love RPGs, I have never gotten in to the Dragon Age series, so I don’t really want “early access”.  Once there are more games, and a better range of titles coming out for Xbox One I might be more inclined.

I would much rather have had this come from Microsoft or Sony themselves, so it wouldn’t just be EA games, but games from all publishers as well.  They both kind of do it already with Games with Gold, and PlayStation Plus, but you only get a chance to activate those games for a month, and if you forget you miss out.  It would be much better if the games kept getting added to a pool of “free titles” instead.

EA Access seems like where the future is headed, and even though I am not swayed by the service now, it will definitely be something to watch.  Now if there was a super EA Access for $10 a month that gave me “access” to all their games and DLC, I would probably sign up.  Somehow I don’t think that is going to happen anytime soon.

Destiny Beta Quick Thoughts!


So the Destiny Beta came out a day early for us Xbox users, and I thought I would give some quick thoughts.

People have been saying this game is a cross between Halo and Borderlands, and they are not far off, but for me due to the online public cities it seems more like Hellgate: London.  Though if they can make a non-glitchy Helllgate, I am all in.  That game was like a year away from being something special.  Though I do find it odd that the cities take you from first person to third person.

The graphics are pretty good, especially the environments, but the enemy character models can look a little cartoony.  You don’t notice it a lot when you are fighting for your life, but when it is just you and a couple of them standing around they look a little off.

The AI is hit and miss.  The Fallen like to hide against walls, even if those walls are facing you.  Sure that makes them easy to kill, but it is just kind of odd to see them peering around a corner away from you even though they were just looking right at you.

If you had any doubts about the shooting or gameplay mechanics, don’t.  The people at Bungie haven’t forgotten how to make an FPS.  The controls are tight, and they feel a little like Halo mixed with Call of Duty, so console FPS players should be right at home.

So far Destiny has been fun, and I can’t wait to play it more.  It is going to give Borderlands a run for its money in the Co-operative First Person Looter space.  Still, I think there is more than enough room for both of them.  I will let you all know if my first impression about this game change at all.  However since it is in free beta now, my advice would be to find a download key and try it yourself!