Ben Affleck Is Batman?


This is a Batman announcement I never saw coming: Ben Affleck is Batman.  If they announced that he was writing the movie, or that he was directing it, I would have been pretty excited, but him being the new Dark Knight is pretty hard to swallow.

I think he will be a fine Bruce Wayne, I mean look at the picture above he is dark and handsome, but he smirks all the time.  I don’t want a smirky Batman.  If I wanted a smirky Batman I would have been asking for Jonathan Frakes (Will Riker) to be Batman.  As a matter of fact I would love to have Affleck and Frakes have a smirk-off it would be a thing of beauty, but even in Batman’s lighter adventures he didn’t smirk.

To be fair, which I don’t want to be right now, his latest roles have been much better, and he deserved his Oscar for Argo, but he is still the guy that made Gigli and Pearl Harbor, ugg.  I guess we will have to wait and see how this turns out, but my immediate reaction is negative, but I hope my gut is wrong and we get a fine movie in 2015.

My buddy Daniel has a more positive outlook.

I Complete the Book of Deacon Trilogy

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Not that long ago I reviewed the book The Book of Deacon by Joseph R. Lalio, and I was quite impressed, so I decided to finish the trilogy.  I am glad I did, and they wrap up the story quite nicely.

They continue to follow Myranda Celeste as she attempts to track down and help the Chosen end the great war and save the earth, and she has become a very capable wizard in the process.

In the second book of the series The Great Convergence we meet the rest of the Chosen, Lain the Malthrope (fox man) assassin, Ether the shape-shifter, Eve a sort of Mathrope, Myranda herself, and one more that I am not going to give away.  This book wanders a little, but there is plenty of action and character building, and we get to learn more about the evil Generals of the Northern Alliance that are keeping this war going.

The third book The Battle of Verril obviously brings it all together in quite an epic fashion.  Tons of action and magic all over the place, and you get to learn much more about all the characters as they continue their quest.  Do they defeat the Generals and stop the war?

Lalio has done a great job with this series, and I am glad that my indie bundle gave me all three of these books.  I will definitely be looking in to his other work.  You can find his books on Amazon or anywhere else indie books are sold.

What To Do About The Green Lantern?


Even though the Green Lantern movie was colossal failure it did still make more than its production budget, and the comic books are still a favorite among comic book geeks thanks to its galactic scale and cool group of characters, so there is no doubt that Warner Bros will try and do something with the franchise again, and even as late as April 2013 they were talking about a sequel to the 2011 movie, so to help them out I have made a list of things they should do.

1: Write A Script That Makes Sense

This one seems like a no brainer, but they seem to have forgot it last time.  For an action movie the script needs to stay somewhat simple.  That doesn’t mean they can’t throw in a few surprises, but if they throw the kitchen sink at people like in the last movie, a few people are bound to get lost.

2: Do No Write Another Origin Story

I am so sick of super hero origin stories.  Some of them are cool like Wonder Woman’s, but overall they just get in the way of the cool stuff that comes in the second half of the movie.  We get it, they had some experience that made them use their powers/skills for good.  For the most part it doesn’t matter, and as much as I disliked the Green Lantern movie, I think they got his origin covered, we can even keep Ryan Reynolds if that lets us skip the origin story again.

3: Bring In More Green Lanterns

Hal Jordan is not the only human Green Lantern, and since he does try and kill everyone he isn’t even the best Lantern.  Bring in Guy Gardner and John Stewart to give back up to Hal, and then you can use Stewart (Idris Elba anybody?) for the Justice League movie, or heck why not bring in a female Green Lantern, the ring can choose anyone after all. As a plus with other Lantern’s on screen it will take the focus of the unfortunate Ryan Reynolds.

4: Bring In the Yellow Lanterns

With a group of Lanterns for sector 2814 you need someone to fight, and Sinestro and a group of Yellows at his back would make for a fun movie, and it would be kind of what everyone wanted out of the first movie.

5: Have Some Fun

It seemed like the people making the Green Lantern movie were painting by numbers.  Bring in a sense of adventure and fun, and let people who understand the universe interject some love.  They have made several good cartoon movies with the Green Lantern, so get those guys to help create a the new live action movie.

What are your thoughts on what they should do with a new Lantern Movie?

No More Ryan Reynolds in Comic Book Movies!


Can we please just stop with Ryan Reynolds!  I recently put up five dudes that I would like to be the next Batman, and coincidently while at O’Reilly’s auto-parts I heard a lady say something horrifying, “They should make Ryan Reynolds the new Batman, he would be fun!”  NO, NO he would not!

Look Ryan Reynolds is a good looking fella, and he has decent comedic timing, but I think he should just stick to the comedy genre.  He has already killed enough comic book movies.  Don’t believe me?  Here is the list: Blade: Trinity, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Green Lantern, and as of right now R.I.P.D.  Now I have not seen R.I.P.D, and given the reviews, I don’t plan on it, but I have seen the other three and they are incredibly bad, and with his latest failure he has killed a franchise from, DC, Marvel, and now Dark Horse.  That is the three of the big four right there!

Now you could be saying, “Those movies would have been bad without Reynolds!”  Maybe so, but we have no way of knowing.  What I do know is that he has tried four times to make it in comic book movies and all of them have been disasters, and he as been awful in all four movies.  I don’t care how attractive he is or that he has some charisma: he is super hero poison, Kryptonite has nothing on Ryan Reynolds.  He has now lost hundreds of millions of dollars for movie studios.

If he is cast as Batman someone is going to get shot, and that is probably not an exaggeration.  There are millions of comic book fans and some of us are a little unhinged.  Luckily I am pretty sure the lady at the auto-parts store doesn’t work for Warner Bros, she is just from Vancouver and trying to push the local talent, so we should be safe, but still it is a terrifying thought.

Shmee Decides The New Batman!


So with Christian Bale and Christopher Nolan done with Batman, and DC/Warner Bros planning a Batman versus Superman movie it begs the question, “Who will be the new Batman?”  I have made five choices for Warner Bros, and I expect them to use one of them to make me happy, so here they are in descending order.

5: Joseph Gordon-Levitt

15th Annual Critics' Choice Movie Awards - ArrivalsThey all but set him up to be the new Batman in the Dark Knight rises, so even if they throw out the Dark Knight trilogy of films, I think audiences would except JGL as the new Batman.  He is a little short, but he is young and could wear the cape and cowl for years to come.


4: Jon Hamm

Jon-HammIt might be hard to see Don Draper as Batman, but he would make one heck of a Bruce Wayne, and everything I have seen Hamm in leads me to believe he is a great actor and he figure out how to be Batman as well.  Plus he gives off an aura of wisdom that Bats would need to beat the crap out of Sups.


3: Nikolaj Coster-Waldau

Nikolaj-Coster-WaldauYou man not recognize the name, but you may know him as Jaime Lannister.  He is kind of the opposite of Jon Hamm in that he is easy to see as Batman, but harder to picture as Bruce Wayne, I think that is because he is blonde, but he would do a good job, and do fellow blonde Bruce Val Kilmer proud.


2: Jack Huston

Jack_Huston-4He is probably the least recognizable name on this list, but I think that works for him instead of against him.  He has proven to be a very talented actor on Boardwalk Empire as the disfigured Richard Harrow, and it has given him practice behind a mask, and even as a guy I am willing to say that he is a good looking fella, so he would be able to play Bruce Wayne.

1: Karl Urban

karl-urbanHe already did the ultimate test screening for Batman in Dredd.  The emotions he can bring with just his jaw are amazing, and considering his resume: Lord of the Rings, Start Trek, he was the best part of Doom, and of course Dredd, I have no reason to doubt anything he does, and if I am going to believe Batman can trash Superman, he is the Dark Knight to do it!

Since this is the internet, I am sure you think I am wrong, so please leave your pick for the new Mr. Wayne.