
Well I didn’t see that coming! Though I did tell you this movie made money.  Yesterday via YouTube Guillermo del Toro announced that he is creating a Pacific Rim cartoon, more comic books, and most importantly a movie that will come out in 2017!

This was my favorite movie from last year, so to have so much more Pacific Rim stuff coming out is incredibly exciting for me.  It is just a shame that we have to wait for three more years.  Maybe after this we will get that Pacific Rim vs. Godzilla movie they were talking about (crosses all fingers and toes)?  I have included the very happy video below.


Shmee Picks Dr. Strange!


It has been awhile since I have cast a movie, so I decided to help Marvel out by picking Dr. Strange.  According to people in the know, Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hardy, and Jared Leto are the front runners for this film, and they are good choices, but I thought I would give them some more options!  Here they are in reverse order:

5: Jon Hamm


Jon Hamm is fit, and he is funny.  Have him grow out his hair a little bit, and he would look the part.  He has never done anything action oriented, but Dr. Strange really only needs to be able to concentrate well.  I tried to make Hamm Batman at one point, but Dr. Strange is still a good role for him.

4: Aidan Gillen


Aidan Gillen makes my skin crawl, but that is because he is such a talented actor, and he brings to life the slimy Littlefinger on Game of Thrones so perfectly.  As you can see above he looks great in a beard, and I think that he that he would fit in well with the rest of the Avengers.

3: Joe Manganiello


If Jon Hamm is fit, Joe Manganiello makes him look like a weakling.  This guy was made to be an action hero, and he looks like Dr. Strange to boot!  This is the perfect role for this guy now that True Blood is over.

2: Viggo Mortensen


Viggo was made to play strange dudes, so why not play a dude with “Strange” in the title?  It is time Viggo came back to the mainstream, and there is nothing more mainstream than the Avengers.  If anyone can bring magic to the Marvel Movie Universe it is Viggo Mortensen!

1: Kit Harington


I know it is another Game of Throne actor, and he is a little young, but I think he would be a perfect fit for the movie version of Dr. Strange.  For one, he is young, so they could lock him in for a few quite a few movies, and he is how Zoolander says “So hot right now”!  Since he is already on a fantasy show, why not have him bring fantasy to the Marvel Movie Universe?

There are my top five picks.  Who would you like to see play the Master Magician?

Shmee Travels To The Days Of Future Past!


So it took a month, but I was finally able to watch the movie I was most excited for this year: X-Men: Days of Future Past!  It is the return of Bryan Singer as not only the writer and producer, but as the director as well, and it is official, he should be the only one allowed to make these movies.  X-Men: Days of Future Past was fantastic.  It fixed all the problems created by X-Men: The Last Stand, and it opened up exciting new possibilities for the future.

Due to the time travel aspect of the film, it takes place a few years after The Wolverine, and a few years after X-Men: First Class.  The X-Men of the future are battling super Sentinels that can adapt to the mutants powers to kill them, so the only course of action is to have Kitty Pryde (Ellen Page) send someone’s mind in to the past to try and stop this from happening.  They decide the only mutant that could survive this is Wolverine (Hugh Jackman).

The writing in the movie is great.  They manage to tell a time travel story that does not confuse anyone, and while they are at it clean up all the messes that Brett Ratner caused with X-Men: The Last Stand.  The character interactions are believable and gripping, and they all seem to make decisions that appear logical.  They also manage to explain everything with boring everyone to death.

Most of the actors have played their parts before, so it should be no surprise that they are wonderful, especially Hugh Jackman as Wolverine.  He is the heart and soul of this franchise now.  I was very happy with new comer Evan Peters as Quicksilver as well.  He is only in this movie for a short time, but he steals the show.  I hope he turns up in the next film.

Bryan Singer directs this movie perfectly.  He films the action in exciting ways that lets the mutants’ powers take center stage, meanwhile keeping it all in focus letting you take it all in.  Quicksilver’s super-speed “fight” scene is particularly incredible.  It was one of the most fun superhero action sequences I have seen in a long time.

I love X2, but Days of Future Past may have just become my favorite X-Men movie, and it is close to the top of my favorite superhero movies of all time.  This movie proves that only Bryan Singer should be allowed to produce this franchise from now on, so I hope he is able to sort out his legal troubles because I am pumped-up for the next movie X-Men: Apocalypse!



X-Men Six Pack Mega (Mega Mega) Review!


I am getting ready to watch X-Men: Days of Future Past this weekend, so to prepare I have re-watched all six of the previous X-Men/Wolverine movies, and I thought I would give some quick thoughts!


X-Men is really the first superhero movie of the modern era.  Without its breakout success we wouldn’t be where we are today with at least three superhero movies a year.  It is easy to see why it was so successful, Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen were all perfectly cast, and director Bryan Singer knew how to use them.  The movie can be slow at times as it introduces the cast, and the special effects don’t hold up, but it is an entertaining film that brought the X-Men universe to life.

X2: X-Men United:

This movie builds on the first one in just about every way.  The relationships between the characters are believable, the action is top notch, and the story of the mutants living in fear of society while society is afraid of them is gripping.  Bryan Singer really understands what it takes to make a great movie first, and then apply that understanding to superhero films.  If the first movie is responsible for the modern era superhero flick, X2 made it a full fledged genre, and a genre worth watching at that!  X2 is one of the better superhero movies ever made.

X-Men: The Last Stand:

If X2 is everything that is good about superhero movies then X-Men: The Last Stand is everything that is wrong with superhero movies.  First they replaced Bryan Singer with Brett Ratner who is nowhere near as good as a director, and the script they wrote is awful.  All the characters that were so carefully written in the second movie are all now dumb as dirt, and their motivations are almost unexplained.  It is like Ratner was in way over his head, so to try to make up for it he started killing characters off, and not in good ways.  I mean Cyclops dies in the first fifteen minutes, OFF SCREEN!  It is just terrible, and the ending fight seen may be one of the worst big budget action sequences ever put to film.  It is almost unwatchable.  It consists of Mutants hanging upside down and getting shot, and then the Phoenix gets stabbed by Wolverine.  Ugg!  I don’t think I will ever watch this movie again.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine:

Since Ratner killed off the X-Men, Fox decided to make some prequels instead, and the first of what was going to be series of Origins films was X-Men Origins: Wolverine.  This film is sooo close to being good.  It has some great action scenes, and the Weapon-X story line is interesting, but what kills this movie for me is what they do to Deadpool.  I have been hard on Ryan Reynolds in the past, but this movie is not his fault.  He would have made a great jerky dude in a red suit, but no, the writers decide to sew his lips shut and turn him in to robot!  It makes me shake in anger.  This film also features my favorite X-Man, Gambit, but he is only Gambit-y for like five minutes, and then he flies a plane for the rest if it.  If this movie would have had one more script rewrite it could have been pretty good.

X-Men: First Class:

After two bad movies in a row Fox thankfully learned its lesson, and deiced to get Bryan Singer back to make this prequel.  He was only the writer and producer, but when watching it you can tell that his steady hand is leading this film.  The director Mathew Vaughn is no slouch himself.  It is amazing that when you pay talented people to make movies that they seem to turn out better.  The story of how the X-Men become the X-Men is wonderfully told, and they got a great cast to play all the younger heroes.  You can’t go wrong with James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender,  and Jennifer Lawrence.  Watching this movie makes me dislike the previous two movies even more because it shows how good they could have been.

The Wolverine:

Now that the X-Men series was back on track Fox decided to give another stand alone Wolverine movie a try.  I reviewed this movie earlier, but that was the unrated version.   This time around I watched the PG-13 film.  It is not as good.  They took out one of the better action sequences to get the PG-13 rating, but it is still enjoyable.  Wolverine in Japan killing ninjas is always fun!  This is a decent movie, and it cements the fact that Hugh Jackman is Wolverine.

Those are my thoughts on the first six movies, I will report back on how I feel about Days of Future past on Monday, so stay tuned!

Shmee Contemplates List Of Superhero Movies


So the website Nikki Finke claims to have scooped DC/Warner Brothers big Comic Con announcement by getting their list of comic book movies they have in development. It goes something like this:

May 2016 – Batman v Superman
July 2016 – Shazam
Christmas 2016 – Sandman
May 2017 – Justice League
July 2017 – Wonder Woman
Christmas 2017 – Flash and Green Lantern team-up
May 2018 – Man Of Steel 2

Overall it seems like a pretty good line up, and ThePaladin and I agree that a Green Lantern/Flash team-up sounds wonderful!  The only thing that really throws me off is that they would try and do a Shazam movie two months after the Batman V. Superman flick.  I love Captain Marvel in all his or her forms, or whether he is at Marvel or DC, but it seams like an odd choice since not a lot of people know who he is anymore.  The only reason I can see for doing it is to use the Captain Marvel name before Marvel does just so they don’t have to deal with the confusion.

The other odd thing about this list is that it lacks a date for Batman.  You remember Batman right?  The guy that makes all the fat stacks for Warner Brothers.  Probably the most loved superhero of all time.  It seems like they would want to get a Batman movie up and running real quick, especially after spending all that money on Ben Afleck.

We will see if this list comes true or not in July, and if it does Nikki Finke may become the entertainment scoop blog to watch.