So Thor Is A Woman Now…


As you can see from the image above, and announced by The View yesterday, Thor is now a woman, or at least he will be a she in October when the new Thor #1 comes out.  The internet is reacting like this is biggest thing to ever happen, but I think it just makes sense.

Comic books have been a male dominated media for a long time, but lately that has started to change.  Whether that is due to the Marvel movies doing so well, or just the rise of geek culture in general, but whatever the reason Marvel wants to broaden their scope to get a few more readers, and a great way to do that is to make some more main line women heroes.  The got Captain Marvel, but they are need of a few more, so enter Thor.

Thor is the perfect character for this.  He is well known enough that it will be a big deal when he looses the hammer and a woman picks it up, but he is not so well loved that all the fanboys will cry and whine about how Marvel is messing with their favorite hero (though there is still some of that happening).  I personally don’t care as long as the comic books are good.  I mean Thor was a frog for a while and that was awesome, so a woman isn’t that big of a stretch.

I am curious how long this new lady Thor will last since it doesn’t sound like they are killing off the guy.  It is just that he is now unworthy to carry the hammer, but this new woman is worthy, so she is Thor.  I hope it lasts a long time because I think it will be a fun change to the Marvel universe.  Who knows maybe if it is successful we will see Pepper Potts put on the Iron Man suit.  Heaven knows she would be more reliable than Tony.

DC Wants Another Show? The Spectre!


So DC hasn’t even gotten The Flash, Constantine, or Gotham launched yet, but they are already talking (according to IGN) about giving Constantine a spin-off with The Spectre.  I am not sure why they are having so much trouble making comic book movies, but they are having such an easy time making TV shows, but hey it seems to be working.

For those of you that don’t know who The Spectre is, and that should be most people,  he is a police officer by the name of Jim Corrigan who dies and then comes back with the ability to haunt and terrorize bad guys.  He would be a good fit to hang out with the supernatural focused Constantine.  If they can work Dr. Fate in there like they hinted at earlier, they would have three pretty good heroes hanging out on NBC.

Still I have to wonder if there are enough channels and enough time in the day to watch all this comic book based television?  I will have to try for all of us!  I wonder who DC will pitch for their next TV show?

Ex-Superman To Play The Atom On Arrow!


It looks like the people over at the CW are intent on making their version of the Justice League!  According to the Hollywood Reporter they have added Superman Returns actor Brandon Routh as Ray Palmer AKA The Atom to their hit show Arrow.


Brandon did a pretty good job as Superman in Superman Returns, and the problems with that movie were not his fault, so it will be fun to see him suit up as a superhero again.  Even if The Atom is a demotion from one of the most recognizable heroes of all time.

The Atom is a good choice for the show since he is a super-scientist.  He can explain the rise of the metahumans, and pretend to make sense of all the crazy new super-people running around.  It might even be a good idea to have him share time between Arrow and The Flash.

I can’t wait to see which hero they use next on the show, and if they create an official Justice League in the future or not.  I am hoping they do.  As a matter of fact I would be okay of they just went ahead and turned the CW in to just a DC Comics superhero channel!

Starting Arrow Season 2!


I quite liked the first season of Arrow, and I am now starting to watch the second.  The second season is building on the events of the first, and it is continuing its transition from the standard CW teen romance show in to a full fledged superhero TV show.  Though I was disappointed in the first episode.  It was very un-Green Arrow like to run away sulk, but once he is back in Starling City (I hope they change that to Star City it was pointless to rename it), he gets back to being the best Batman rip-off around.

It is one of my favorite shows on TV, and it gives me high hopes for all of the other DC properties hitting the small screen this October.  If they can manage to make a good Justice League on TV, I would be a very happy geek!

Transformers 4 Proves That Pandering To Geeks Is Pointless!


If you ask most people that consider themselves to be somewhat of a nerd, they will tell you how awful the Transformers movies are, but despite that they continue to gross about a $1 billion worldwide each.  With Transformers: Age of Extinction earning over $300 million in its first weekend it should get close to that number as well.  That is not counting DVD and Toy sales.  These movies are massive business.

That being said, every time a movie studio is developing a new movie based on a comic book or some other geeky property, geeks will line up to tell everyone that will listen that they will not support it if it is not true to the source material, or that if it is they will see it like fifty times.  They will point to the success of Disney’s Marvel movies as proof of their importance, but they are sadly mistaken. If having geek approval insures success then Dredd would have been a blockbuster.  It sadly was not, and it struggled to even break even.

Disney’s Marvel movies do well due to great marketing, and a producer (Kevin Feige) who makes sure that they keep up a certain level of quality.  The Marvel movies are built with laser focus on how to be profitable and successful.  If that meant ticking off the fans, you had better believe they would do that, but luckily that is not the case, and we all get to be happy.

Transformers is also laser focused, but what it is focused on has nothing to do with the Transformers we came to know and love throughout our childhood.  It knows its target audience so well that it can get the worst reviews in the world, and have Transformers fans scream about how pathetic they are, but they will still earn money.  Lots of it.  Worse, those fans that complain about how bad the movie is will go and see it anyway to confirm that the movie was not up to their standards.

All people like to think that they are important, and that they have influence over the things that they love, but unfortunately in this case we geeks don’t account for that much cash.  When it comes to blockbusters, cash is king.