Shmee Takes A Ride On The Snowpiercer!


For people that don’t know, Snowpiercer is the Korean made film based on the French graphic novel of the same name.  It was directed by Bong Joon-ho, one of the best Korean film makers around.  He also directed the excellent movie The Host (the Korean monster movie, not the American YA book adaptation).  If you don’t like foreign films, never fear this movie is 80% in English, and it is very easy to follow.  Which you should, because it is a great ride.

The movie starts out by explaining that the world powers tried to control Global Warming by using artificial means, and instead they caused another Ice Age.  The only people that are alive are on a train that never stops called the Snowpiercer.  The people in the back of the train are growing angry about their treatment at the hands of the people in the front, so they start a revolt lead by Curtis Everett (Chris Evans).

Now I will grant you that is one far fetched plot, but they do such a good job telling the story that you will not mind.  This movie does what the best Sci-Fi films always do, and that is to use crazy ideas and situations to really talk about the here and now.  I didn’t always appreciate what this movie was trying to tell me, especially about religion (I think Bong Joon-ho believes in God, but that he is not a big fan), but at least they got their point across well, and in an entertaining way.

They got a great cast for this movie.  For the first half of this movie Chris Evans is in full Captain America mode, but at the end of this movie he really gets to show his acting chops.  He says he wants to retire from acting, but this movie makes me wish that he stick with it.  Tilda Swinton once again proves her worth as a character actor as Mason the smarmy front car middle-manager who is in charge of the rear car passengers.  John Hurt and Ed Harris bring their great presence to this film, and add depth to their roles even with limited screen time as Curtis’ would be father figures.

This movie manages to play the edge between action film and drama very well.  Enough action to keep you entertained, and then it does what very few films these days try and do, engages your mind.  It also believes you are smart enough to understand it, and that again is a very rare thing.

This movie is not perfect.  It is a little odd, but considering we don’t get movies like this very often, I will take it.  It is a shame this movie didn’t get a bigger push from the The Weinstein Company (they didn’t think you were smart enough to understand it) because I think it could have been a bigger hit.  If you get a chance, I think you should book passage on the Snowpiercer.

SDCC 2014 Wrap Up!


Well another San Diego Comic Con has come and gone, and what did we get this year?  Well not a whole lot.  Marvel made all their big comic book reveals before the show, so they only announced some TV show stuff.  Well that and this crazy Age of Ultron poster!


It is very cool to see all the Avengers neck deep in the army of Ultron.  I can’t wait to see that movie.

DC didn’t announce a Shazam movie like The Rock promised.  So I guess I didn’t smell what The Rock was cooking.  He must just really like pictures of Shazam and Black Adam beating the crap out of each other.  Not that there is anything wrong with that.  I think that is something we can all enjoy.

They did show a couple of new images from the upcoming Batman V Superman movie.  First up is the Ben Affleck Batman pic:


I will say that he has got the chin for it, but I still have my doubts that this boy from Boston will be a good Dark Knight.  The next image is the one geeks have been waiting for, for a long time.  Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman:


It is bananas to think we are finally going to get Wonder Woman on the big screen!  I hope she kicks serious butt!  It was kind of a bummer that she is not wearing her red, white, and blue, instead going for more of a Xena vibe.  Still, I am sure Batman V Superman will be a long movie, so they may still get to her in to her comic book outfit.  This one has her circlet and the eagle on her chest, so it is still kind of a fun costume.

Big news!  They announced that the cast of Firefly is reuniting!  Oh, but it is for an MMO that you will probably never play, so that is kind of lame…… Never mind that sobbing noise you are hearing (Why must they keep making crappy MMOs out of the properties I love!).

An Evil Dead TV show got teased at this year’s Con, but only that they were working on it.  Well the Raimi brothers have been working on Army of Darkness 2 for like two decades, so I am not holding by breath.

Last but not least I will leave you with the trailer for the new season of The Walking Dead.  It is pretty great, and I can’t wait until October!

Was there anything at the show that you were excited about, and I missed?  Let me know!

Comic Con Starts Today!


The San Diego Comic Con starts today!  I hope we get lots of new geeky movie and video game news, and of course some cool new comic books.  I am sure we will hear a lot about the Marvel movies and shows, Star Wars, DC’s TV show empire, and the Justice League movies, but I am hoping that this year’s show will still have a few surprises for us.  A new Green Lantern movie perhaps?

We shall see!  Is there anything you are hoping for out of this year’s Con?

Geoff Johns Broke My Heart!


So according to Geoff Johns confirmed what I had been hearing for awhile now, and that is that the DC Movie Universe and the DC TV Universe will not be crossing over with each other at all.  It kind of makes sense because it frees both groups up to do what they want with the characters, but I can’t help but be disappointed.  It would have been so much fun to have the superheroes on TV interacting with the ones on the big screen.

I guess the one upside of all this is that even if the movie is trash it will not affect the good work the TV people are doing.  It is just a shame we will not see the Oliver Queen we have all come to know and love up on the big screen kicking but and taking names.  Though maybe that means we will get some more mainline comic book characters getting their own shows in the future! (Shmee crosses his fingers for a Stargril show!)