Well We Finally Know Supergirl’s Identity!


Melissa Benoist will get to bring life to Supergirl on the small screen according to TheWrap.com, and then confirmed by Benoist’s Twitter account.  She has done a lot of things, but she is mostly known for her role as Marley Rose on seasons four and five of Glee.  She is also in the award winning movie Whiplash, so an up and comer for sure.  If you are worried that she has the wrong hair color, worry no more:


She has taken care of it.  I can’t wait for this show to start!  If they don’t pick up Constantine for season two I will need something to watch (I am totally going to watch it anyway).  I wish her the best of luck.  They took a long time to find her, so I am sure she will be great in the role!

Marvel Is Pulling A DC!


So Marvel is kicking off its Secret Wars, and it looks like it will kill off the Marvel Universes as we know them.  The heroes will face off once again in Battleworld to fight for their survival, and not just their survival but the survival of their little piece of the universe.

One of Marvel’s biggest draws has always been its long almost never ending story line, but that is all coming to an end.  Really this is their version of DC’s Infinite Crisis.  Marvel fans are more than a little upset, but really this is Disney’s way of making Marvel its own.  They get to pick how these heroes move forward, and I am sure that they will start to look and act a lot more like their movie counterparts.  Because movies are where the money is.

If they do this right it could be fun, but if they do it wrong there will be a lot of Marvel fans calling this the Marvel version of the New 52.  Though unlike the New 52 there will be only one universe when this is all over.  DC still has its multiple universes and I am pretty sure they always will have them.  My question is: how long will they be able to stick to their guns and keep to one universe?  I give them six months.  Maybe.

Here is the announcement video:

New Supergirl Info!


Well some audition tapes for the new CBS show Supergirl have leaked, and while they have already been taken down, they do give us some interesting tidbits about the show.  You can read the full dialog over at SpoilerTV, but I thought I would just give you some of my takeaways.

1: Superman will exist in this show.  Whether they are casting a new one or are going to use the current movie Man of Steel and just use pictures we don’t know, but the dialog talks about him a lot.

2: It looks like Jimmy Olsen is going to be regular.  If Superman is around somewhere, why not his best friend Jimmy.

3: Supergirl will remember more about Krypton than Supes.  It looks like she left the planet when she was twelve not an infant, and it appears that she is quite attached to her old life.

4: Just like the Man of Steel movie it doesn’t look like Kara’s family is to happy about her new side job.  They are worried about her, and what people will do once they find out what she is.  Though with Superman around it kind of seems like an odd worry to me.

Sadly we still don’t know who will be playing Supergirl, but I am sure we will soon if they are in the middle of casting.  I keep meaning to do a casting for this show, but it always kind makes me feel a little like a perv looking for young talented actresses on the internet.  The internet version of talent is different than what you would think.

Here is hoping this show turns out.  Though I think they could have saved themselves a lot of trouble by just making a Powergirl show.  Oh well.  We will see what CBS comes up with next year.

The Sandman Returns To Your Dreams!

Sandman Vol1

I have been meaning to read Neil Gaiman‘s The Sandman for quite some time, but it always seemed like such a daunting task.  It is a large and weird work, and it was so 90’s looking if that is a thing, but I can’t stay away from Gaiman’s books for forever, so I gave The Sandman Volume 1: Preludes & Nocturnes a try.  Clearly staying away from this series was an error in judgment because it was wonderful.

The series revolves around The Lord of Dreams aka The Sandman.  It starts off with him being captured by a group trying to gain immortality.  They think that he will give it to them in exchange for his release.  They of course or wrong because it turns out that immortals have a lot of patience.  Still, eventually when he does get free he has to fix what they broke and reclaim his Kingdom and tools.  Which will require quite a bit of effort even for the Dream King.

I love that this book is so different, but still so familiar.  It is odd and it is about an old immortal, but it is still firmly in the DC Universe, so having the Martian Manhunter or John Constantine show up is completely normal.  Though I guess if the DC Universe can have Dr. Fate or The Enchantress why not an old god or two.

The art is wonderfully crazy.  While it still mostly looks like the DC Universe we have come to know and love, Sam Kieth, Mike Dringenberg, and Malcom Jones have created their own very dreamy version.  It is really pretty, and fun to look at.  Sure it might be a little too 90’s punk, but overall it is just great work.

Taking so long to start this book series was a huge mistake.  Like all of Gaiman’s work, I am in love with it.  Though I should point out that this book is for adults only.  I will not be letting little Shmee read this for quite some time, but I hope to share it with her when she is old enough.  I will not wait as long to read the next volume.  I am doing my best to learn from my mistakes.

Batman Battles Hush!


Thanks to a great Christmas gift from The Paladin, I was able to buy Batman: The Complete Hush from comiXology.  It was written by Jeph Loeb, penciled by Jim Lee, inked by Scott Williams, and colored by Alex Sinclair.  An all star lineup if there ever was one, and they did not disappoint with this book.

Batman has to fight all of his old foes, but for some reason he is always a step or two behind them.  The mysterious Hush seems to be outplaying him.  Batman will have to use all his tricks, and trust his allies to stop this new threat.

What I loved about this book is that Loeb used pretty much all of Batman’s main villains, and he did it without feeling like they were shoehorned in there just because he felt like he needed to.  The villains all had a reason to be in this book.  This book, while being in the main line, is its own self contained story as well with a beginning and end, which is nice for a trade paper back.  You don’t need to feel like you need to buy seven more to complete the series.  Thanks to its self contained nature it is also a great place to start reading Batman comics since it covers just about anything you would need to know.

The artists all did a good job.  Batman, Gotham, and all the rest just seem to jump off the page (well tablet screen anyway).  You expect a comic book to look good when you get this much talent, and they delivered.  If you want to see Batman looking his best, this is a good book to read.

If you have been thinking about getting a graphic novel about the Dark Knight, Hush would be an excellent one to choose.  You can find the book just about anywhere, and it seems like it is always on sale, so you shouldn’t have to break the bank.  Batman: The Complete Hush gets my full recommendation!