Shmee Has A Wake For Constantine!


With no good news coming out for weeks it was just a matter of time before we got the word, and yesterday the executive producer of Constantine dropped the bomb via twitter that the show was officially canceled.  It is was hard to see a good show die, but it is better knowing than an endless cycle of hope some random TV station is going to pick it up.

If there is any bight spot hopefully this now means that Constantine will show up at some point in the 18 million other DC TV shows coming out this fall, and if he does hopefully it will be Matt Ryan.  His supernatural know how would definitely come in handy.  I could see him and Arrow being pretty good friends.  Well as friendly as those two get anyway.  NBC gave me one less reason to watch their station, and they don’t have very many left.

Well I Hope You Don’t Like X-Men Comics!


Marvel has announced that they are launching 55-60 new comic books after their Secret Wars event, and it looks like the Inhumans are going to be the new version of the X-Men.  The X-Men are too popular to do away with completely, and there will be a sprinkling the them thrown in to other comic books.  You know, for flavor, but they will not be a main force in the books anymore.

I am not sure how too feel about this.  On one hand them getting rid of the X-Men going forward does not cancel out all the great comic books of the past, but it does seem like the suits upstairs are starting to interfere more and more with the comic books coming out of Marvel, and I don’t think that will end well.  I hope it does, but it is starting to dim my view of the Marvel enterprise.

The X-Men are dead! Long live the Inhumans!

DC Went Nuts And Made Everything Canon!


Oh man DC went crazy!  According to Polygon instead of fixing all their comic books’ odd continuity errors and multiple story lines for the same character they went completely the other way.  They embraced the messiness and made every book they have ever published canon.  That is right every book.  “How?” you might ask.  Well they just decided that since the DC Universe has multiple Universes that all those story lines exist within their own world, so why not let them all live on and interact with each other.

This is completely opposite from every other comic book event ever, including the ongoing Secret Wars that Marvel is doing, which clean up and streamline the Universe in to one easy to understand package.  Honestly this is probably the coolest thing they have done for awhile.  It lets them pick and choose the stuff that works, and ignore but still have the stuff that didn’t in case they want to go back to it and try to fix it.  The New 52 Aquaman and Wonder Woman get to stay, but you can bring back the old Superman, or just have both!


We will see how this all turns out, but at least for now DC has given into the madness and let their comic book creators make whatever books they want with whatever characters they want, and that is a very good thing!

Arrow Season Three Is In The History Books!


Yeah I know that Arrow ended before The Flash, but I actually finished The Flash on time, so I decided to review it while it was still relevant.  The Arrow on the other hand has no such luck!  This was an odd season.  On one hand we got The Atom and he made the show lighter, and on the other hand we got Ra’s al Ghul who made the show darker.  I think this made season three a bit uneven.  It couldn’t decided what it wanted to be.

I personally like the darker tone.  It melds well with Arrow being a stand in for Batman, and it sets it apart from its little brother The Flash.  When Arrow tries to get funny it seems to loose its footing, so I think it is good that The Atom and Co are off on their own thing next year.  Hopefully that will let the Arrow get back to his brooding in the shadows.  We will see.  It will be also interesting to see if Mr. Queen will have to fight more Metahumans or not.  I am guessing yes.  That will change up the show quite a bit since he will be fighting people much more powerful than himself.

I wonder if the writers can bring the focus back to Arrow next year, or if they get too distracted writing three other shows.  I hope they can because the show that started the comic book TV craze should be in the running for the best, and not just an also-ran.  See you next year Oliver!

The Flash Finishes His First Run!


Season one of The Flash is over, and it has been a great season!  I have to say, I thought it might loose its way in the middle of the season, but the it found its way back in the end.  It had one of the best end of season cliff hangers I have seen in a long time.  I am not sure how they are going to get out of that mess unless they get a little help from Supergirl.

It is clear the writers don’t have the same problem with killing people off that Marvel does.  Unlike Arrow though the deaths didn’t feel gratuitous, and they added weight to the story, but as we have seen that doesn’t mean they stay dead.  I mean they introduced the Lazarus Pits for crying out loud.  Death might have a hard time sticking in this universe.

I can’t wait to see what they have planned with season two, and how The Flash is going to interact with Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, and possibly Supergirl.  With this much of the DC universe revealed there are no limits on the storylines they can explore.  Who cares if the DC movies don’t turn out, because their TV has been excellent.