Superman is a scary dude in this clip from Batman V Superman that made its debut on Conan last night! I don’t think I have ever seen Superman be more threating. We will see if he is playing it up to scare Batman, or if he is really playing the villain.
This Conan interview of Zack Snyder also gave us some insights in to the new Batmobile. Not as good as a clip from the movie, but still good!
According to Entertainment Weekly the CW is adding another superhero to the Legends of Tomorrow lineup, the scarred antihero cowboy Jonah Hex. Jonah was last seen in a terrible movie staring Josh Brolin and Megan Fox, so the move to TV makes sense. Maybe the CW show can scrub the thought of that film out of the audience’s collective memory. Though I am more interested in the bigger implications. If they are adding in Hex, what other heroes might we see along the way? I hope they find ways to sneak in a lot of the lesser DC heroes. If they can’t make it on the big screen it would be fun to see them on the small one!
I am still speechless after my Seahawks somehow won this weekend, so how about we watch the Batmobile bounce off Superman for awhile okay? Okay. Go Hawks!
It is official, I think horror and period romance should always go together. After Crimson Peak, I am so ready for Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, and it is coming out around Valentines Day! It looks like the perfect date movie, or anti-date movie. So it is a great movie for both the loved and the lonely! A Valentines day miracle.
Next up might be the most Michael Bay thing I have seen in awhile, and I have seen Transformers 4. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 isn’t even directed by him, but his fingerprints are all over it. Here is the trailer for your viewing pleasure:
Just when the trailer kind of looks good, they Bay it up. This movie is going to make sooo much money, and I am going to cry myself to sleep.
Clearly Pride and Prejudice and Zombies looks like the better film, but TMNT2 will no doubt make more cash, and that is a crime.
I can only hope that if they are brave enough to put J’onn J’onzz on TV that he will show up in the DC Movie universe as well. I for one never thought I would be around to see a live action version of the Martian Manhunter, but the Golden Age of superhero TV has proved me wrong, and I am very happy! I can’t wait for the eventual J’onn J’onzz/Kara Danvers team-up. It is going to have to be a very major threat, but I am sure they will think of something.