Deadpool Is On Its Way To Being The Biggest X-Men Movie Of All Time And That Scares Me!


Deadpool’s amazing success has been a surprise to just about everyone.  As of right now it has made almost $500 worldwide in just its second weekend.  It only needs about $250 million more to pass X-Men: Days of Future Past to become the largest grossing X-Men movie ever.  Since the movie only cost $58 million to make it has already generated about $150 million in profit just two weeks in.  That is almost unheard of for a movie.  This is a scary situation.

I think studio executives are going to try and create more ‘Deadpool’ movies, and I don’t just mean sequels (though we are sure to get tons of them).  I mean cheaply made ‘R’-rated ‘funny’ superhero flicks.  I bet they are going to pull out all the weird dudes out of the closet.  I am sure Lobo has been greenlit without a script.  What they should be taking from Deadpool’s success isn’t that people want raunchy superheroes, but that they want original superheroes.

People love comic book heroes right now, but they don’t want to see the same movie over and over again, and Deadpool was a great relief to the never-ending Avengers storyline.  With Deadpool we got to see a ‘hero’ unlike any other, so superhero movie houses should be looking for more original heroes, or at least be looking for ways to change up their storylines, not just to recreate Deadpool.  I am worried because I am enjoying the superhero movie golden age, and I would hate for greedy executives to bring it to end with a glut of bad ‘R’-rated flicks.

It’s Happening! Supergirl And The Flash Are Crossing Over!


Well after months of speculation DC has confirmed via Entertainment Weekly that Barry Allen is heading to National City to hang out with Kara Danvers.  Then later that night Grant Gustin shared a pic of the script titled “Worlds Finest”.  As it has been pointed out by just about everyone the lack of an apostrophe is important meaning that Supergirl is actually on like Earth 3 or 4 or something in relation to the Arrowverse.  Hopefully Earth 4 leaving Earth 3 to occupied by a grown up Owlman.  We can only hope all this universe hoping leads to a ‘Crisis’ to flatten them all in to one!

March will now contain two major media DC team-ups!

The CW Is Adding Another Comic Book TV Show To The Mix With Riverdale!


For those of you that don’t know who lives in Riverdale, or who weren’t clued in by the Archie Comics pic, Riverdale is where Archie and his friends live.  While there have been several Archie cartoons and TV shows over the years including all the Archie spinoffs, Archie Comics and the CW are hoping this is the series that sticks.  Honestly attractive kids in high school sounds right up the CW’s alley.  It is more surprising that they haven’t tried developing Archie sooner.  It is being produced by Berlanti Productions of Arrow, The Flash, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, and Supergirl fame, so they have had some success converting comics in to TV (not so much with movies).  As an Archie fan I am hoping this turns out well!  Though I am getting to the point where I could use a few less shows to watch.

Looks Like We Finally Got Our American Dr. Who With DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow!


TV pilots are always tricky and almost never good, which is why I have hope for the CW’s messy DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.  The first episode was not great, but it had some great moments.  If the show can build on those moments, Legends is going to be a lot of fun!

The premise behind DC’s Legends of Tomorrow is that the immortal Vandal Savage has come back from the dead and takes over the world in the future, so Time Master, Rip Hunter gathers up a group of heroes to take him on in the past!  However, changing the timeline is hard to do, and they will be facing more obstacles than just Savage himself.

Time traveling superheroes are always fun, but they always causes problems too.  Like if you have a time machine, can’t you just go back to the moment before Savage gains is immortality and kill him or stop him there?  Sure, then we wouldn’t have Hawkman and Hawkgirl, but I am sure they would give up their immortality to save the world.  Still, if the show can give us more moments like the White Canary, Captain Cold, and Heat Wave in a bar in the 70’s causing trouble, we are in for a treat.

The tone of the pilot also swung wildly from the seriousness of Arrow to the comic book zaniness of The Flash, and it was by far at its best when it was zany.  Some serious moments will help the show out, but it is pretty much Dr. Who and a bunch of DC’s C-listers hanging out and traveling through time, so zany should be the default gear.

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow got off to a slow start, but there is lots of promise for the future, and it is the closest thing we are going to get to the Justice League on TV for quite some time, so I will be watching with great interest.  I just hope in the end of the show they don’t just give up and kill Vandal Savage before he gains his immortality like they should have from the start.

Yesterday Was Christmas For DC Movie Fans! First Full Suicide Squad Trailer And First Look At Wonder Woman!

Thanks to the CW’s Justice League Universe Special we have a new Suicide Squad trailer, and it looks awesome!  I can’t wait to see the these bad guys save the world!

Then if that wasn’t enough we also get the fist footage for Wonder Woman!  There is not a lot to go on yet besides the fact she rides around on a horse a lot and enjoys big hats, but it is exciting none the less.

It is fun to see DC’s Movie Universe come together. I just hope that it is all good!