Best Marvel Trailers From San Diego Comic Con!

Marvel had a big Comic Con this year, but they didn’t really release a lot of footage.  Regardless, these were my favorite two trailers of what they did release:

With Doctor Strange coming out in November it is about time that we got a full on movie trailer, and that is just what Marvel gave us.  It gives us a good idea of what we should expect from this film while introducing the heroes and the villains.  It looks like a pretty fun flick.

Netflix’s trailer reintroduced Luke Cage in the best possible way with him just completely owning a street gang.  Netflix’s Marvel shows have been kind of grim, so it would be nice if Luke Cage could keep the lighter tone from the trailer while still existing in the grounded and gritty Marvel version of Hell’s Kitchen.

Those were my favorite trailers from Marvel, what did you guys like?