Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters Is The Worst Kind Of Sequel!


I am going to start off by saying I quite liked the first Percy Jackson movie.  It was campy yet fun, and it offered an interesting spin on Greek Mythology.  Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters on the other hand, while still campy, is no longer fun.  They made this sequel because they thought they could do it cheaper and make a profit.  Not because anyone particularly wanted to do it.

Percy Jackson has not been up to much since the last movie, and other Half-Bloods have been gaining more fame than him, but never fear the world is in danger, so it is time for Percy Jackson to save the world.  Well not quite, there is this tree girl, and now he has a Cyclops brother, but really it is just Percy Jackson off on an adventure.  l I had hoped it would be an adventure anyway, but really it is more like they take a cab to Washington D.C., and then they boat to an island.

This movie really misses any sort of imagination the first movie had.  Instead of modern takes on Greek Mythological locations, we get just normal places.  Cool Greek monsters?  The title would have you believe that there are a bunch in this movie, but there are only three main ones, and they are not that exciting.  Along those same lines, this so called Sea of Monsters is actually a Sea of Monster, yes just one.  So disappointing.

The acting was a weak point in the first movie, but it is much worse this time around.  Thor Freudenthal the director is apparently no Chris Columbus, and he doesn’t know how to get any of his actors to do anything convincingly.  With the exception of Nathan Fillion who is as charming as ever, but he is in this movie for like five minutes and then cashes his check and goes home.  Not that I can say I blame him.

This movie had no love.  A boardroom of people decided to try one more time to get some money out of this book series, and they cobbled together the bare minimum of resources to get it done.  It is a shame because the first one played up the cheese with a wink and a smile, but this one just gives us a shrug and a grimace.  If Percy gets signed up for any more adventures, I will not be watching them.

Shmee Casts The Suicide Squad!


With news that Jared Leto is going to be the Joker and Margot Robbie will be Harley Quinn in the new Suicide Squad movie, no doubt as the villains, and Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor somehow attached, I thought I would do DC a favor and cast the rest of Task Force X for them.  It is a big crew, so it was hard to find good people, but I think I did pretty well.



I figure they will need a big name to head this group, and it took me awhile to come up with someone, but I think he will be perfect: Ryan Gosling.  He is young and strong, and he looks good when he is not talking.  All good things for Deadshot.  In case you have been living under a rock here is what he looks like:




This one was very easy.  Since they didn’t take my advice on Wonder Woman, I got to use her again: Gina Torres.  She is tough enough to hang with the boys, and you would take her seriously as a hero.


Captain Boomerang:


I figure this a good spot to introduce some humor, and why not give someone from TV a chance to get in to the spotlight, so I picked Jensen Ackles.  He is my favorite part of Supernatural, and I am sure he would be a great addition to the Squad.




Blockbuster is pretty much a villainous Hulk ripoff, but you know what?  A guy with super-strength is always a good addition to the team.  Since you need someone huge for this role if you don’t want to use CG, I went with Randy Couture.  He has been in several movies, and he doesn’t need to bulk-up any more.




I decided that they should pick someone that is already in the DC family, so I went with Cillian Murphy.  He was great as Scarecrow, so why not let him loose as another DC villain, but this time with a bomb in his head and forced to be good!




I wasn’t really sure on who to use with this one, but I dug deep and came up with Adam Beach.  I know he was in Walker Texas Ranger, but we are going to have to get past that.  He has been pretty good in everything else he as been in, so why not the Suicide Squad.




Last one! Mindboggler.  She is a super minor character, but I thought since she is the only other female member this time around, that I would give her some star power, so my choice is Keira Knightley.  She has done action in the past, and I think she would have a lot of fun in this movie.


Well that is my Suicide Squad movie team!  What do you think?  Or what choices would you have made?  Or what members would you rather see?  Let me know!

The Evil Dead TV Show Is Official!


The Raimi brothers said they were working on an Evil Dead TV show at the San Diego Comic Con this year, but they are always working on something for Evil Dead it just never comes out, but it looks like they followed through this time with Starz picking up the show.  The best news of all is that Bruce Campbell will be returning as Ash.  I am not sure how the series will transfer over to the small screen, but I am sure they will figure it out.

I guess Sam Raimi is helping get the show started, but his brothers will take over after that.  Now all I have to do is figure out how to get a free Starz subscription.  Something tells me I may have to wait for Netflix for this one, but still this is exciting news for all us Evil Dead fans out there!

The Simpsons Finally Meet The Planet Express Crew!


It was only a matter of time before the Simpsons and Futurama had a crossover, but I am surprised that it took this long.  I love Futurama, and I was worried that the crew of the Planet Express Ship would merely have a cameo.  Instead this episode started like a Simpsons episode, but then became a Futurama episode, and since Futurama ended at the top of its game while the Simpsons are clearly not at the top of theirs, it was for the best.

The plot was simply that Bender had to go back in time to stop the Simpsons from unleashing a horrible mutant plague on New New York.  Of course since he is Bender he screws up, and it will take the Simpsons working with the rest of the Futurama gang to fix everything.

It was cool to see both of  Matt Groening’s beloved franchises on air together, but this episode would have almost been better without the Simpsons in it.  While the Bender and his pals were making me laugh the Simpsons continued to feel stale.  I hope this is the Simpsons last season.  It is hard to see them limp along like this, and it makes me feel better about Futurama going off the air after nine pretty good to excellent seasons.

After this episode, the Family Guy crossover, the Lego Episode, and all the other “event” shows the Simpsons have lined up, it is clear the Simpsons writers are out of ideas.  It is amazing that the Simpsons have lasted this long, but it is time to let them ride off in to syndication.  Where they can live on for generations to come.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens, What Is In A Title?


So the new Star Wars movie has a title: The Force Awakens.  I guess we are being lead to believe that the Force has been asleep.  It was really tired after all Force Lightning the Emperor used in the end of Return of the Jedi.  I kid, The Force Awakens is a fine title.  It is not great, but it isn’t bad, and it lets us know that magical laser sword ninjas still exist which is nice.

We only have about a year left until this movie hits theaters, and I can’t wait.  A new Star Wars movie by the guy that turned Star Trek into Star Wars should be great.  He can’t do any worse than the prequel trilogy, so he will have my $15 come Christmas 2015.