The Paladin serves aboard the Ark Royal


Shmee reviewed the book Ark Royal by Christopher Nuttall back in February and he liked it. Because of that review I read it as well and also liked it. Recently I came across the sequel, The Nelson Touch (Ark Royal II) in Amazon’s Lending Library, so I was excited to read what happens next. So does The Nelson Touch have the touch?

Well, yes. It’s as well written as the first book, with good plotting, characters, and military tactics. If I had to criticize I would have to say that the ship itself lacks the character that made it interesting in the first book. It was the old warhorse that no one could bring themselves to put down; cobbled together with Chinese computers, running French software, to run British systems. It always felt ready to fall apart, but it was more intimate and interesting in that first book. In this book the ship doesn’t get much love and just becomes another ship. I also felt some of the space battles felt a little repetitive of the first book, being similar situations. However based on the world Nuttall’s built its hard for these situations to not develop as they have.

The book definitely feels like a middle book as well, with Nuttall holding the cards close to the vest in regards to the aliens – keeping the characters and the reader in the dark as to what their purpose is. I keeps me wanting to read more, but I’m going to need something more substantial in the next book or I might write an unfavorable review. There is a lot to like in the book though, for instance the Royal Marines are especially fun.

If you have Prime, I suggest picking this up from the Lending Library, but its also worth the $3.99.

Shmee Contemplates List Of Superhero Movies


So the website Nikki Finke claims to have scooped DC/Warner Brothers big Comic Con announcement by getting their list of comic book movies they have in development. It goes something like this:

May 2016 – Batman v Superman
July 2016 – Shazam
Christmas 2016 – Sandman
May 2017 – Justice League
July 2017 – Wonder Woman
Christmas 2017 – Flash and Green Lantern team-up
May 2018 – Man Of Steel 2

Overall it seems like a pretty good line up, and ThePaladin and I agree that a Green Lantern/Flash team-up sounds wonderful!  The only thing that really throws me off is that they would try and do a Shazam movie two months after the Batman V. Superman flick.  I love Captain Marvel in all his or her forms, or whether he is at Marvel or DC, but it seams like an odd choice since not a lot of people know who he is anymore.  The only reason I can see for doing it is to use the Captain Marvel name before Marvel does just so they don’t have to deal with the confusion.

The other odd thing about this list is that it lacks a date for Batman.  You remember Batman right?  The guy that makes all the fat stacks for Warner Brothers.  Probably the most loved superhero of all time.  It seems like they would want to get a Batman movie up and running real quick, especially after spending all that money on Ben Afleck.

We will see if this list comes true or not in July, and if it does Nikki Finke may become the entertainment scoop blog to watch.

Shmee Unfortunatly Watched Red 2!


When the movie RED was a surprise hit for Lionsgate in 2010, it surprised no one that they made a sequel RED 2 in 2013, but sadly it lacks all the fun and charm of the original.  Movies like this are why sequels get a bad rap.  It has no new ideas, and it seems like everyone is in it just to get paid.

The plot starts a little while after the first movie and Sarah Ross (Mary-Louise Parker) is getting bored now that her boyfriend Frank Moses (Bruce Willis) is no longer taking her on dangerous missions.  Luckily for her their old friend Marvin Boggs (John Malkovich) shows up and gets them all wrapped up in another adventure.  Which much like the first movie is them running from the CIA who wants to kill them, again, for some reason.  While on the run they will meet old friends, and have to team up with some new ones.

RED 2 is pretty much a worse version of the first one.  In RED it was fun watching old agents kicking butt and making people pay for coming after them, but to watch the same thing over again is pretty lame.  If you don’t have a new idea for a sequel you shouldn’t make it.  It is a shame too since RED has a good cast, and there is all sorts of spy stuff they could have done.  The only thing they did better in this movie are some nifty hand to hand fight scenes.

Speaking of the cast, none of them really bring any life in to their roles this time around.  They all know this is a cash grab, so they just put on their smug spy faces and get the movie done.  The only one that seems to be having any fun is Anthony Hopkins as a crazy doctor who makes weapons of mass destruction, but this is his first time around with RED, so maybe it was all still new and fresh for him.

The worst part of this movie is how forgettable it is.  I watched this movie weeks ago, but the reason I am reviewing it now is because I had forgot I watched it.  That is not a good thing for a movie.  Since they didn’t have a good script for this movie they should have just skipped it.  With this cast, had they tried a little harder they may have had a viable franchise on their hands, but it is to late for that now.  I am pretty sure this movie killed any chance for a RED 3, and after the snoozefest that was RED 2 nobody is sad about that.


Shmee’s Thoughts On Crysis 2!


Since I have been upgrading my computer, I have been playing a few computer games I have had kicking around, and one of those games is Crysis 2 by Cytek and published by EA.  I got it during a Steam sale awhile ago, and I just never got around to playing it.  It came out three years ago, so you have probably either played it or decided to skip it, but I thought I would my thoughts on it anyway.  That is kind of what I do on this site after all.

The plot in Crysis 2 is that you are wearing a super suit that allows you to try and save humanity from aliens, and a group of crazy people are trying cover up the alien invasion, or something like that.  Honestly I am not totally sure why I am killing a bunch of humans during an alien invasion, but they are bad, and this is a first person shooter, so they must die.

My problem with this game is that at first you really don’t feel that super.  You have to keep finding alien DNA to upgrade your abilities.  Which fine, but I want to feel awesome from the get go, and I don’t want to have to hunt down a bunch of aliens to get better.  Plus in the first game it was wide open, and I could complete my objectives in any way that I wanted, but in this game I am kind of stuck just moving forward and shooting.

On the plus side the shooting is good, and you can customize your weapons.  The graphics also hold up well, and I am sure they would look better if I wasn’t playing the game with a Radeon HD5770.  When I get my new graphics card I will have to fire it up again and compare the visuals.

The first Crysis blew me away with its crazy graphics, and cool abilities.  It had a wide open world to explore, and it let me choose my path.  This game feels like a step back in every department.  It is still fun, but I find it lacking anything great that makes me want to keep playing.

So It Is E3…

E3 Logo

All the big companies kicked off E3 yesterday, and while there were a few cool announcements, for me there was nothing ground breaking.  Let me run down what happened:  Every major game that sells well got a sequel; If there was a new game announced it looked a lot like games we have played before;  Microsoft and Sony are willing to pay a lot of money for timed exclusives, and they both (Sony in particular) announced a few remakes.

The remake thing caught me off guard.  I knew, as did the rest of the world, that Microsoft was going to release some sort of upgraded Halo, and they kind of needed to with Halo 5 not due out until next year, but Phantom Dust?  That came out of nowhere.  Sony went all in with remakes: an upgraded Last of Us, Ratchet and Clank, a timed exclusive of Grim Fandango, and a not at all exclusive GTA 5.  GTA 5 came out after the new consoles did, so everyone knew it was going to happen; Grim Fandango makes sense since it is a cult classic that not a lot of people have played, so why not introduce it to a new generation, but The Last of Us seems odd since it just came out, and everyone played it.  Oh well if you have a PS4 you are getting another game.

Both Microsoft and PlayStation tried to show that they are hip, and that they are down with the indie dev scene.  Sony still seems to have the indie upper hand, but Microsoft is at least starting to get quite a bit of interest in its ID@Xbox platform, so lets see if they can keep it up.  I am not sure that indie games are system sellers yet, but they are cheap and bring in fresh ideas to consoles.

The fact that Conker is going to be available for game makers in Project Spark kind of threw me off.  Why just Conker?  Why not a lot MS owned properties, so people can have Conker and Voodo Vince team up to save Master Chief from the Brute Force guys?  Maybe they will in the future, but to make a point of saying that just Conker would be available was strange to me.

After the first day of announcements, some of the games I am interested in are: Tom Clancy’s The Division, Batman: Arkham Knight, Sunset Overdrive, Destiney, The Witcher 3, Bloodborne, Cuphead, and Halo: The Master Chief Collection (It has over 100 multiplayer maps!).  Yes I know that list has a few of the sequels and remakes I was talking about earlier, but they do look very good.  I just hope that some of the original games being made make it big, so we can get a little more variety in next year’s E3 press conferences.

Anything strike you about this year’s E3 kickoff?  What games are getting you all hot and bothered?